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the PSAT kicked my ass so i need to distract myself from imminent death ahaha

"I didn't want to kiss you."

- ok this isn't gonna be fun
- samuel had gotten a kiss from good ol king boyo a few days ago and finally gotten the courage to ask him out
- so Sammy is comin down the hallway (school au) and king is coming up the hallway with john adams and charles lee
- "hey king!!"
- king kind of looks at him? like "oh it's you"
- sammy waves for some reason because he's cute and an idiot
- king kind of,,, waits for a reply
- samuel asks him out
- king knows why and shakes his head, blinking in surprise
- "samuel, i didn't want to kiss you," he explains softly, "it was a dare."
- samuel freezes
- like,,, straight-up cannot move
- king doesn't know what to do
- all hell breaks loose
- adams and lee are choking back laughed
- samuel can feel tears pricking at his eyes
- king doesn't know what to do,, still
- so he walks away stiffly
- leaving samuel behind
- what the fuck king

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