010 • [ headcanons ]

353 15 6

[ modern au headcanons!! ]

- loves the colors gold, red, and black
- likes to paint his nails
- secretly only wears faux fur but doesn't tell anyone
- loves romcoms
- clothing style is very androgynous, sometimes more masc and sometimes more femme. he wears crop tops a lot, but when he's more masc it tends to lean toward polos and button-downs
- assumes everyone likes him; kind of an oblivious leader
- posse is sam & lee, samuel is his uncertified boyfriend: they never actually explicitly said they were dating, but have been caught making out on frequent occasion.
- lee is basically king's bodyguard: king is too much of a wimp to fight someone, nonetheless fuck up his nails, and lee loves fighting—the perfect combo. lee settles most of king's skirmishes
- king is atheist
- king is actually very soft toward sam where it counts, but can be a little apathetic
- king's full name is george frederick william king iii, but he goes by king or king george for short
- prefers cats
- loves berries
- rich tastes (ofc)

- sam is fairly religious; has a bible next to his bed and believes in it strongly
- doesn't like cursing, and is actively trying (and failing) to get king to stop
- refuses to curse
- on a dare once someone asked him to say a curse word and the only one he could force out was "heck"
- loves dogs
- looks up to king, thinks of him as "his" king
- doesn't admit he loves king because king never explicitly admitted anything to Sam
- kind of a silent agreement never to say anything about it
- they still make out
- sam is kinda awkward about sex, because he tends to enjoy it when its happening but doesn't really like it
- it was hard for him to realize he was gay
- really likes goldfish (the animal, not the cracker)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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