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"I...uh." His lips quivered at the sight of him. His vision blurry, due to the third beer bottle in his hand.

His face, leading on a mix of lust and regret.

He wasn't the type to make these mistakes.

Hell, he wasn't the type to party either.

He wasn't the type to do most things, kids his age did.

Maybe it was cause he was tired of hiding for so long in a closet so cramped.

Maybe he was tired of being someone he wasn't for the longest time.

Maybe he was tired of crying every night in the bathroom, denying every possibility in him liking guys.


"-you what?" The boy questioned him, before he was able to snap out of the trance he was locked in, because he was too drunk to realize in the first place.

Music blasted his ears, the instrumental following the rythm of his heartbeat.

"I... uh, have a friend." He started, growing more and more nervous at the sight of the slightly tanner latino. "She wants to get to know you." He turned to point at the blonde, slightly ginger female, whom was seated a couple feet behind him.

He could never tell the boy what he was feeling. It didn't matter how drunk he was or how insecure he felt with who he was.

Maybe he wasn't ready for a release...

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