Chapter 2

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"You've got to be kidding me!" Keith rolled his eyes. "No, i'm being serious!" Katie replied. "Well, you're smiling, so you have to be lying!" Keith laughed. "I'm only smiling, cause you're staring directly at me. It's making me nervous!" Katie squealed.

It had been almost two weeks since the party incident. Katie had decided to come over Keith's house, once again, to study for an upcoming test.

"When I see proof, i'll believe you!" Keith crossed his arms. "Wow, okay! Fine then." Katie grabbed her phone, showing Keith the messages she was talking about.

"See? He wants to meet up with me." She grinned. "And you're okay with that?" Keith eyed the female, curiously.

"I mean, our break up was almost a year ago, Keith. We're basically different people now." She responded casually. "But he didn't seem all that interested at the party." Keith scoffed.

"Why do you hate him so much?" Katie insisted on Keith letting go of this situation. "Pfffft, I don't hate him." Keith failed at his attempt at lying. "I just... don't agree with anything that has to do with him."

"That means you hate him, Keith." Katie eyed the boy keenly. "Allegedly." Keith persisted. "Whatever!" She rolled around the bed, and eventually over Keith, causing Keith to push her off of him playfully. "Ouch!"

Since the past few weeks, Keith has been happier.

That might have something to do with the fact that he started taking his medication.

Katie indirectly left them on the top of his vanity, so he would remember about them and take them once and for all.

It seemed to work, because of how Keith's whole view on everything changed.

"Besides, it's not like were getting back together. We're just meeting up." Katie smiled. "I guess..." Keith sighed.

Katie raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. I just don't wanna get ready for school." Keith huffed gently.

Honestly, Katie didn't know what to say. Katie always had something to say to cheer anyone up. But this time, Keith was right.

Katie can't stop the bullying, all she can do is be there for him.

"Hey," she started. "I'm here, okay?"

"Yeah, I know." He half smiled, warmly.

"You know what, wanna ditch first period?" Katie stood up from the bed. "And fail at the only test i've actually studied for? No thanks." Keith stuck his tongue out.

"Well, let's take the test and then ditch everything else." Katie grinned. "First you take me to parties, then get me drunk and now ditching? What kind of asian do you think I am?" Keith scoffed jokingly.

"Don't be stereotypical, Keith. I just want you to let loose alittle. Not everything should be taken one hundred percent seriously." She flicked the boys forehead.

"Even if we did ditch, where would we go?" Keith questioned the extremely hyper-active teenager who was already gittery from the fact that Keith agreed on ditching.

That's when Keith knew he was screwed.


"Bowling? Seriously?" Keith groaned, as Katie began to pick out their bowling sneakers.

She had dragged him to her car, shortly after their test, making their way to the mall where there was a small bowling alley. "This is how people have fun, Keef!"

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