Chapter 6

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"Keith!" Lance skreeched from outside Keith's house, throwing pebbles at his window.

Ever since the last incident at school with Brad, Lance made it a regular errand to pick Keith up before school, to go with him.

They both decided on walking, to have more time to talk and get to know eachother, considering them becoming friends was a new knack for the two of them.

There was still an uncertainty in Keith's mind.

He still wasn't sure about Lance, and honestly, he was scared.

Keith Kogane


The boy who always tried his hardest to one-up Lance, found himself under his level completely.

Keith Kogane, had lost in this mental war he created inside his brain.

0 x 1


"Keithhhhh!" Lance continued calling from outside, this time honking in the process.


"You have a car?" Keith looked out his window, dodging a pebble that flew towards him. "Sorry, didn't see you." Lance teased.

"Don't change the subject, Mcclain!" Keith huffed, making his way downstairs.

He approached his front door, opening it in the process.

Realizing he was still in his boxers, he shut the door frantically, rushing back upstairs to change.

"You wear pink underwear?" Lance couldnt help himself from laughing. "They're magenta, you prick!" Keith yelled from his window, his face flushing with hints of red.

"I'm pretty sure that's electric pink!" Lance continued pestering. "You must be color blind!" Keith almost tripped, attempting to put on his jeans. "Can I come in now?"

"One second!" Keith grabbed his bookbag, running down the stairs, yet again, opening the door, this time freshened up.

"Let's go-" Keith began, before getting cut off by his mother. "Keithy-cake, mommy made you your favorite breakfast." The woman made her way towards the door.

"Goodness, I didn't know we had company." Helen reffered to Lance, greeting the boy politely.

"Mom, don't call me that ever again!" Keith cringed dumbfoundedly, causing Lance to laugh uncontrollably. "What do you mean? When you were little, you used to love it when I called you that!" She protested.

"Ma, please, not in front of him." Keith whispered, begging for him mom to drop the subject.

After realizing what he meant, she nodded, making her way towards Lance. "And you are?"

"Lance Mcclain, ma'am." The boy smiled fondly. "Oh darling, there's no need for formality. Helen is just fine." She cooed gently, offering for him to come in. "We're having omelets, care to join us?"

"We're gonna be late, ma." Keith butted in. "Nonsense! It's six fifty. You have plenty of time for breakfast! Besides, it's the most important meal of the day." She pestered the boy, earning an almost muted chuckle from Lance. "Omelets would be amazing right now!" Lance passed the boy, walking inside his house, looking back at Keith with a smirk plastered on his face.

Before Keith could protest yet again, he ran after the boy. "Wait!"


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