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taehyungs pov

I woke up to heavy weight around my waist. I was on my stomach and saw jungkooks hand going around my waist. I had smiled and burried my face in the pillows before snuggling closer to him.

"kookie~" I chimed out but no response.

"jungkook" i said sternly in a goffy manner

"jungkook if you don't wake up I'll bite your neck"

all he did was moan which was quite sexy but that was not the point.

I held my word and bit his neck. he gasped and hugged me around my shoulders

"I'm up I'm up, gosh I didn't know I was gonna have a vampire as a boyfriend." he chuckled

"your finally up!" I chimed out.

"mhmm" he said hugging me deeper and closing his eyes again. I pouted and whined.

"I'm kidding I'm kidding stop looking so adorable" he teased me and gave me a kiss.

we decided to stay in bed 10 more minutes and then get up to start our day.

I got up to wash up and jungkook was already downstairs making breakfast. when I finished I decided to wear just some briefs and a large oversized sweater showing off my collarbones.

I was a bit shy in this get up but made my way downstairs.

"wow there what's all this"

I blushed and figdeted "nothing"

he giggled then muffled his laugh.

"can you give me a break I wanted to to look cute"

"you look good babe" he engulfed me in a hug and I hid my red face in his shoulder

he set out a plate and served me eggs and bacon. we dined to the dish and he went to the sofa I cleaned up a bit and after sat down on his lap.

"will you ever give me a break?"

"what?" I asked

"being this sexy should have it's consequences" he said and gave me butterfly kisses on my nape. I giggled and laughed.

"stop it tickles!"

"okay okay" he turned the tv up and we sat there enjoying cartoons in each others company in total bliss.


A/N: this was short but thought I'd write something cute before going to sleep. gn✌

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