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taehyungs pov

it was the end of our trip and we had to go back home. jungkook held my hand while he drived, I told him it was dangerous but he insisted he was an expert driver, all I did was giggle and let him.

"what are you gonna do with jimin?"

"isn't it obvious rub it in his face that he was wrong"

"really? to your best friend?"

"especially to my best friend"

he just gave me a look. "what??? don't give that look"

"what look? I have no look?"

"the 'dont be such a child' look"

"you got from a look?"

"yes now stop it. I know I'm being childish but he hurt my feelings. he didn't even apologize to me"

"maybe he was just nervous or felt guilty about making you angry"

"are you siding with him"

"taehyung you know i don't side I give advice to make you feel better. would you rather hear me say your best friend doesn't give a shit about you or he is actually really sorry just can't show it."

"your right"

"when am I not"

"why do you have to be right. it makes me seem immature and childish"

"but you still get it, you want to make up with jimin don't you"


"see just forgive him I'm sure he's sorry"


the car drive was long and dreadful because I didn't want to confront jimin. I mean yea I forgave him and and I wanted to make up but I felt sorry for being a dick and avoiding him when we should've talked things out like friends. I hope I don't get emotional.

we pulled up the drive way and unloaded my things.

"taehyung!!" jimin was standing by the door teary eyed.


"tae!!" He came running over here

"jimin!!" I ran twords him too

"taehyung!! I'm sorry I said that! I didn't mean to hurt you I just thought it would be best so that your not hurting in the future, but i was wrong I'm sooorrryyyy!" he was crying on me

"it's okay chimchim!! I'm sorry I was a dick and ignored youu! you must be felt really bad I'm sorryyyyyyyy!" now we were both crying in each other's arms.

((a-yo)) ladies and gentlemen the friendship of taehyung and jimin.

we calmed down and now it was just sniffles.

"I won't ever say anything to hurt you again I promise!"

"that's a lie, but I promise to not be a baby and ignore you ever again!"

"that's a lie too." we laughed and began talking to each other.

"alright alright that's enough closeness for today" jungkook let out

"no!" me and jimin both responded

"come on jimin help them bring the stuff inside" yoongi appeared behind jimin.

I turned to whisper to him "what's he doing here?"

"well I have a story for you"

"less chit chat more packy pack" jungkook orderd

"that's not even a word" we began putting the stuff inside which was mainly un-eaten food.

inside the four of us had a small dinner and talked with each other. I found out yoongi actually helped jimin through the weekend because he did feel bad but didn't know what to say or if I would accept it. I'll also find out a little sum'sum' later on at night when we have a sleep over.

"alright well it's pretty late, we should go"

"aww but its barley 8"

"we have a schedule tommorow"

"alright alright, get some rest"

"goodnight kookie" I pecked his cheek.

"night yoongi" he hugged him which quickly became a kiss.

taes reaction😮🙈

kooks reaction😏🖒

"well we'll take out leave now"


"bye bye" they each went to their car and drive off.

"you have quite a story in-store for me don't ya" I told jimin

"same to you" we both fanboyed and ran upstairs for our late night gossip.


A/N thought I'd put some cute vmin friendship in there. I over exaggerated but it was hella cute so we can fight. anyways I'm gonna sleep now it's 11pm night ✌

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