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A/N: I feel like this book isn't going anywhere so if the transitions from part to part are a little wonky I'm sorry. I'm trying my best and hoping I don't delete this.

I just got done talking through the phone. It was jungkook. I called him awhile ago leaving him a voicemail that I am accepting jeonghans offer.

He called back frantic making sure I was sure of this, to be honest I'm not, but I've done a lot of thinking and personally I came to the conclusion that this, this is what I need. If I accept and get fame not only will I be a famous model but I can be noticed much faster as an artist. It's win win situation.

I started dialing jeonghans my heart beating fast and my hands shaking. I'm about to make a call that will change my path. It's now or never.

Beeeeeeeep beeeeeeeep beeeeeeeep


Jeonghan? It's me, taehyung.

"Ah yes! Taehyung! How have you been? I hope this call is what I'm thinking it's for."

If your thinking about me being a model, then yes this is the call.

"So are you accepting my proposition?"

Yes, I accept.

"Oh great this is perfect you start on monday"

Wait don't I need practice? Test runs? Where do I meet you? How do-

"Oh honey just ask your boyfriend for help, as for the details of where I'll email you the information bye!~"


I let out a sigh. This is it, I'm going to become a model. What the hell. This is crazy. I gotta tell jungkook. Oh hes busy with practice right now Oh! I'll tell jimin.


Taetae: guess who's gonna be a model?💁‍♀️

Chimcakes: my butt

Taetae: haha very funny. Me you Dick head

Chimcakes: o shit rlly??

Taescakes: yesssss I'm scared but excited.

Chimcakes: same. I'm happy for you, well I gotta go going is being.... needy.

Taescakes: I'm taking that as your not coming home today.

Chimcakes: you got that right. Bye!~♡

Taescakes: alright byebye♡


Yoongis with him in, so that means my baby will be here any minute now, for I don't know why I'm smiling. Maybe it's because I'm opening a new side of me?

Whatever I'm just so happy. I can't wait till jungkook comes home and I can tell him the news.

A/N: short chapter because it's thanksgiving and I wanted to make a short one so there's a transition from 23 to 25

fanboy k.t.h + j.j.k (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now