Chapter 25

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Sorry for making you die of squeaking, Sil!

Silver tackle-hugged me.

"You knew about this didn't you?"

"Nope! Marky told me like a millisecond ago!" I wheezed. "A-and I can't breathe!" She let go.


"Congraturaatins, Marrk... Congratzzz Silveiaaa!" Autour was more drunk then before. Good lord.

Before I knew it, Tom, his hoodie off, revealing a black button-up and her, Her jacket off too, revealing a crop top, showing her perfect figure. (I made autour my goals because honestly I have a weird bod and I wish I was perfect ;~;) They were making out in the middle of the room because of truth or dare, and Tord look like he was about to take hold of Autour's friend, Jaylin, and cry for years. Jay was comforting the scarred devil-horned man. I was about to tackle Autour for making Tord cry. Eduardo, Mark, Jon, and Silver were holding me back.

"THATS ENOUGH TOM!" I yelled. I squirmed and finally, They let me go. I ran to my father, who held me close.

"Wh-why is he d-doing it?!" He sobbed into my shirt. I petted his head and glared daggers at Francis, Arthur and Alfred's invited friend. He just smirked.

"Onhonhonhonhonhon~!" He laughed. I growled and looked at Alfred. He smiled down at me.

"Please break my other father off my housemate for me?" Alfie nodded and broke them up. Autour looked sad, and tom looked regretful. Tord looked at Tom for a second before he looked away. I growled loudly at Francis.

" YOU DID THIS YOU SACK OF SHIT." I motioned down to my sobbing dad. "ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOURSELF?" He looked guilty for a second, but then got up to leave.

That dick...

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