Harry's Song - Chapter One

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Harry looked up at the face smiling down at him. He hadn’t changed one bit from the day they’d met. His mind was flooded with thoughts of that day at the park. The first day the two had met, when they had been introduced to each other by their fathers.

Chapter One

                Harry looked up at the face smiling down at him. He hadn’t changed one bit from the day they’d met. His mind was flooded with thoughts of that day at the park. The first day the two had met, when they had been introduced to each other by their fathers.

                Robin was walking with his stepson to the local park, having promised the little boy that he would take him once it had stopped raining. Harry had constantly poked and prodded his father until he gave in, for no one could resist the smile of such a cute seven year old.

                “There it is Harry! Go on and play. Be careful though, I’d rather not be yelled at again by your mother if you come home with bumps and bruises all over you.” The little boy ran towards the jungle gym. He was notorious for falling off things and getting nicked up. Robin told Anne that it was no big deal, Harry was just being a kid.

                Robin looked around for a dry bench to sit on, one that was close enough to keep an eye on Harry. Setting himself down at a bench with his laptop, Robin started writing an email. He tried to explain to a coworker why they needed to follow a certain process at work. Half way through the email, the older man felt the bench dip beside him.

                “Working like always, I see.” Robin could recognize the voice of his best friend anywhere.

                “Mark?” The man beside him laughed at his friend’s shocked expression.

                “How are you doing Robin? How’s life been treating you?”

                “I’m fine, but what are you doing here? Are you visiting?”

                “No, not visiting. Did I forget to mention in our last conversation that we we’re moving back home?” Mark smirked at his old best friend.

                “I think you may have left that out. What about that business you had out in California?” Robin heard a lot about his friend’s rapidly growing franchise and how successful it was.

                “Well, everyone thought it was time to expand. And we all seemed to agree Minnesota would be a good place to start.” Robin couldn’t believe that his best friend had finally came back to live in their home town. The last time they saw each other was high school graduation.

                “So, where’s the family?” Robin had seen pictures of the family through email, but that would be nothing compared to seeing them in person.

                “Well, Louis is over on the swings,” Mark pointed towards a small boy swinging back and forth, “and Lottie is somewhere in the jungle gym. What about Harry?”

                “Same place as Lottie, I wonder if they’ve ran into each other yet. Should we introduce them?” Robin set his laptop down and stuck out his hand to help his friend off the bench.

                Mark headed over to the swings to get his son, while Robin traipsed the jungle gym in search of a head full of curls. He called out to his son searching all over the place until he saw him standing near Mark. The boy was chatting away to the three until Robin placed a hand on his shoulder, startling the boy for a split moment. But he continued with his story not a second later.

                “Harry? Who ya talking to?” Robin bent down to his son’s level.

                “Oh. Hi dad. This here is Louis… and that’s his Dad and sister.” Harry beamed.

                “I know who they are son, I was just wondering if you did. Louis’ Dad and I are good friends. We’ve been friends since we were you age.”

                “You mean you were seven once? You used to be a kid?” Harry asked surprised.

                “Yes. I was once as little as you.” Robin grabbed Harry by his sides and tickled him mercilessly. Harry loved to joke with his dad about his age.


                “So you just moved here?” Harry asked.

                “Yeah, my family needed to move because my father’s job. But he told me he used to live here, and that I would love it.” Louis told the younger boy.

                Harry and Louis were on the couch, squished together under one blanket. Both of them were having a blast at their first sleepover; which their fathers thought was a great idea. Together, the boys figured out that they had a lot in common. They played video games up until Louis suggested they take a break and watch a movie. Harry picked out his favorite, Finding Nemo.

                Half way through the movie, Louis looked down next to him and found Harry fast asleep with his head lying in his lap. Louis pulled himself out from under the blanket and uncovered the younger boy. The older boy scooped him up in his arms with ease and walked  down the hallway to Harry’s bedroom, carefully setting the boy down in the bed before walking back down towards the kitchen.

                “Umm… Mrs. Styles? Where should I sleep? I put Harry in his bed because he fell asleep during the movie.” Louis looked up at the woman sitting at the counter.

                “I’m sorry dear; we don’t have a guest bedroom for you to stay in. You could sleep with Harry, if you’re okay with it. I doubt that he would mind. Thank you for taking Harry to bed.” Anne guided the young boy towards the bedroom.

                “I guess that ok; if he won’t mind.” Louis stepped back into the room and climbed into the big bed next to Harry.

                “Good night, boys.” Anne whispered as she turned out the light and shut the door.

                Louis yawned and reached out towards his younger friend and wrapped one of his arms around him protectively before drifting off to sleep himself.

A/N: This fic will mostly be filled with lovely fluff. Cause who doesn’t love fluff? They won’t be this age forever; in the next chapter they’ll be much older. I just thought it would be right to start at this age, when they met.  I would love to hear some feedback and comments!

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