Chapter 1

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The Paper

"No! Not good enough." Professor Jacobs spat. Shoving my paper back at me. "But what now?!" I argue back. "I've proofread, rewritten, revised, and yet it's still not enough? What more can I possibly do to make it better, I'm trying here." Pressing my hand against my face and through my hair.              

"You have writing talent but you lack believable experience, you tell me the story but you are not TELLING me the story. I want to feel it through your eyes." he sits back in his chair. "Make me love when you love. Make me cry when the character is hurt. Make me feeeel." He said clenching his fist to seem passionate. At that point, I realized what he wanted. He wanted me to emote. I tell the situation but I don't express it, he's right. I turned around and returned to my seat as if we weren't just having a verbal disagreement during class. Not a student budged as if this always happens, it does. I always argue about a grade and why I should get a better one with every teacher but with Professor Jacobs I had a different reason why.

"So he just told you straight up you're pretty much heartless...." Taira blurted. "Well, he's not wrong."   "I know this but as a friend you are supposed to side with me, that's the rule." Though it is Taira, she tells it how it is and I know she's right but she doesn't know the whole story behind that grade and my paper wasn't that emotionless to deserve a B plus.                                                                            

"Girl Code? That's bull..." She said with a dis of her hand to my face. "Remember when my dog died and you said 'Get over it you're too grown to be upset over a dog so old it's been on death road, it's not a shock, we knew this was coming, come on really?!'... do you?" She now had a smug look on her face and air quotations. "Yeah, so?" I said with an 'And-your-point-is' look. "Yeah so?!.. I was thirteen you bitch" she announced with humor. "I love you.. but you are cold inside or steamed with pointless anger."

"I guess I understand," I said with sincerity in my voice while placing my hand on top of hers.            

"Yeah, yeah blah now go get a better heart and rewrite that story." Taira shoos me away.

Approaching his classroom I knocked on the frame where the door is open. "Hello?.. Professor Jacobs?.. Is anyone in here?" I peek my head around the corner.                                                                

"Yes, Mena I'm here." He said coming from the back side of the classroom holding books as an accomplished advanced writing Professor would have. "Hello Miss Oliver, are you here to discuss your grade?"  He said walking towards his desk placing his books down and leaning against it.        

"Yes, that's exactly why I'm here... Is anyone else?" I close the door behind me and began strolling to him with wandering eyes.                                                                                                                                  

"No, only you." I now stand directly in front of him. "Is that a problem?"                                                        

"No, not at all." I pushed closer to him.                                                                                                                

"So.. are you ready to go over that paper?" He placed his hands on my shoulders and we rotated standing positions.                                                                                                                                                

"Yeah, about my story." I wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing his cheeks, then his chin, neck, and so on. "Did my grade...have anything to do with... the other day?" I stopped and looked up at him.    

Tilting his head with a smirk. "Me? Do you really think I would put my teaching and my life in the same emotional pool? Just because you deserted me when I needed comfort...." I drop my arms. "No! I am no baby. The way I feel for you does not affect your outcome in this class... What did you think? Because you're screwing the teacher you get a pass?" He tightens his grip on my arms. 

"No, no." Reaching my arms to pull him closer. Running my arms up his neck and through his dark hair, pulling his face close to mine and kissing his lips intimately, pressing his body into mine. Feeling his anger melt with every touch and heavy breath. "I just didn't know what I did wrong... in the paper." He pulls back. "You lack emotional vulnerability, in life and on paper. Until you can show me that, you won't get far in writing or in this relationship."

"But what about sexually?" I grab his hand and place it on my cheat. 

"That is an illusion based on hormones not feeling, you are too comfortable with this, love." He nudges my chin. 

"But that doesn't stop you from wanting me!" I throw back. We are no longer touching. He steps forward.

"No, it doesn't. But this..." He places his hand on my heart. "Is what I really want." Resting his head on my chest, he finishes. "I have told you my past and my hopes for the future... But you leave me cold and on the outside of yours. When I ask you how are you, I want to honestly know...." Now kneeling in front of me, gripping my thighs, and with a soft voice, he speaks. "I want to know the girl I dream about and want to one day have a past, present, and future with but first I want to feel that she feels as I do and is not playing me for a grade."

Putting his face between my hands pulling him to my level I whisper ".....And I can do just that." As softly as his voice spoke to me I kissed him and he returned it with a kiss on the forehead as if to say I treasure you.


So I'm new to this and I just put a little out there I'll be adding more as I go

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