Christofer Drew

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You're sitting on a bench in the park, anxiously twiddling your thumbs. You look down at your skirt and nervously smooth it out, muttering to yourself "Why did I let them talk me into this?" Your friends had been badgering you about letting them set you up with a friend of theirs for months, and you finally agreed to get them to shut up. You were still nervous though - you're shy and socially awkward, and being alone with a stranger isn't exactly your idea of fun. The minutes tick by and people pass, but none of them stop to talk or seem to be looking for someone. You stand up and are about to leave when you see someone hurrying down the walkway, looking around. "Um.. Chris?" you call out, and his head snaps towards you, a look of relief on his face. "Are you Y/N?" he asks, walking over to you. You nod your head. He smiles and holds out his hand "I'm Chris. But I guess you knew that considered you're the one who found me.." he laughs nervously and runs his other hand through his hair, messing it up more than it already was. You smile and shake his hand "I'm Y/N. But I already told you that. I don't know why I said it again.."

He laughs and you feel yourself blush. "So, Y/N, would you like to go on a walk with me?" He offers you his arm, which you reluctantly take, and the two of you start slowly walking down the pathway together. For a while, you walk in silence, until Chris speaks up. "So Y/N, what are some things that you like to do?" You tell him a little about yourself, then you ask him the same. Chris tells you about himself, talking about his love of music and his family and how much he loves his friends. He tells you ridiculous stories about his travels and how he hopes to someday sell out his own headliner. You know he's trying to fill the silence and isn't asking you many questions because he senses your discomfort, and for that you're very grateful. As the evening goes on, you begin to talk more and more, and you're walking so close together your shoulders bump on occasion. You don't know why, but something about being with Chris relaxes you. Eventually you make it back to where you started, and you turn to face him. "Well, I had fun" you say smiling. He smiles back and punts something into your hand, lightly kisses it. "I did too. I'd like to do it again sometime. Call me when you're free." With a smile and a wave he left, and you opened the little note he left you. It was his phone number and a little smiley face, and you laughed, telling yourself that you'll have to thank your friends when you get back.

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