Chapter 4

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I strained against the strong grasp that pinned my arms to my sides, and thrashed back and forth, trying to wiggle away from the hand that cupped my mouth. I couldn't get free, but that wasn't going to stop me from trying. I gave my best muffled blood-curdling scream until my throat burned.

"Be quiet," he hissed in my ear.

I told Mrs. Mallory that I was fine. I told her not to worry. I told her not to send the cops when a stranger was in my home. Dad could be gone until morning. A pitiful whimper ended my screams. All my fight drained with my hope. No one was coming for me.

"That's better," he whispered. "We can't let them hear us."

My stomach churned with acid. I couldn't let myself give in like this. If I could get free and get to the front door, surely someone would hear my screams.

His hand covering my mouth loosened slightly. "Are you—?"

I yanked my head up and sunk my teeth into the soft flesh between his thumb and index finger. Sweet rust tingled on the tip of my tongue, and my stomach threatened to heave.

He flinched, clenching his jaw instead of pulling his hand away.

"Charlie, stop," he said.

Like hell I'd stop! If I was going down, this psycho was coming with me. I raised my knees up to my chest then kicked out against the wall throwing us both backwards down the stairs.

He stumbled back down a few steps, but almost magically managed to right himself. However, my flailing and our momentum threw him off balance. We fell forward on the stairs. I braced myself, expecting the edge of one step to slam into my jaw, but Icarus dropped his hand from my mouth and reached out to catch the stair before my face hit it.

I hung with my knees just above the stairs and my back pressed against his chest. A relieved sigh tickled my ear, making my toes curl.

"Are you okay?" He gently lowered me so my knees rested on the next step. He'd let his guard down.

I threw an elbow back into his chest, and his arm slackened enough for me to scramble up the rest of the stairs on my hands and feet.

"No! Don't open the door!" He raced up after me.

I reached for the handle, my fingers touching the slick metal that led to safety, but before I could get a grip, his arms were around me, pulling me back.

"No," I screamed.

He twisted me in his arms and pressed my back against the wall. My legs dangled in the air, and my bare heels scraped against the wooden panels. I squirmed, trying to kick him, but he flattened himself against me, pinning my legs with his thighs. He rested his forehead against mine, and a finger placed against my mouth was the only thing separating our lips.

"Shh," he breathed.

My body reacted to his closeness, rebelling against me by bringing heat back to my cheeks. I fell silent, and that's when I heard it...a skittering across the wood floor and the skin-crawling growls of those animals. I was sure I had shut and locked the back door, but there was no doubt, they were in the house.

I couldn't blink, too afraid of the darkness behind my lids. My heart pounded so hard I was sure Icarus could feel the beats against his own chest. I gazed silently into his eyes, my ears straining to hear.


Paws padded from the kitchen down the hall. Its claws clicked on the wood floor as it moved. It sounded much smaller than what we encountered in the forest. These were not the size of bears. Judging by the sound, I would have guessed they were dogs, but normal dogs don't hiss.

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