Chapter 21

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Sitting on my knees, I watched the clouds part and the sky turn crystal blue through the opening in the domed ceiling. Zeus's spell faded and gave way to a beautiful day. The gods wandered out to spread the word of their victory. Only Icarus, Zeus, and Hera remained with me.

I dropped my head and rose to my feet. "I've done what you asked. Take me and Tobias home." I spoke without hiding the bitterness in my tone.

Hera scowled. "You may have held up your side of the agreement. But do not think you can disrespect us because of it."

I glared back. "You didn't need the blood of a demigod. You needed the blood of Nyx's offspring. You used me." I couldn't hold back the anger. Arguing with the vengeful queen of gods was a bad choice, but I didn't care. I was right.

Still, I knew the legends of how the gods treated humans, even each other. I shouldn't have been surprised by their trick to get me to do what they wanted.

"And in return, you will be rewarded with your life," Hera said.

Icarus stepped between us before the argument could end with Hera turning me into a cow or something. "Father, I'll transport them home. She's held her side of the deal. It is time to return them to where they belong."

That's what I wanted, but hearing it from Icarus's lips caused my stomach to roll. It was time to go where I belonged...where he didn't.

Zeus nodded.

Icarus held a hand out to me. My fingers itched to reach for his touch, but I stifled the urge and walked past him with my head down. I couldn't look him in the eye. Did he know about my mother? How could he not? I would see the truth on his face and I was afraid to know.

I stepped out into the warm sunshine. Olympus sparkled like it was made of crystals. My heart sank further. I had dreamed of this world all my life. It was here. I could touch it. I was part of it, but all I wanted was to forget. Forget everything. I wanted to return home and pretend that the last few days never happened.

"Charlotte." The sound of Zeus speaking my name sent spiders down my back.

I paused just outside of the doorway, but didn't face him.

"We will be watching over you." His voice rang with a threat, "Don't disappoint me."


Icarus led me back to the edge of Olympus's walls. Trailing behind him, I still couldn't look him in the face, so I kept my gaze locked on his feet. Wings were carved into the ankles of his thin leather shoes. Hermes, the swift messenger god, really did have wings on his feet. A sad smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

He turned to me when we arrived at the main gates. "Please say something."

The entrance was framed with high arches and beyond them was a cliff that dropped into a sea of thick clouds. What should have been the most beautiful place was now torture to see. And the one person I wanted to be with here, the one who made my heart race, was the one I couldn't bring myself to look at. I knew he was going to shatter my cracking heart.

"Charlie." He cupped my chin, but I pulled away.

"Charlie!" Tobias's voice broke through all the hatred and sorrow that smothered me.

I turned, expecting to see Tobias being pushed in a wheelchair, or rather a chariot. But he looked like his old self: strong, lean, tanned olive skin, sparkling mischievous eyes. He moved to run to me, but the young goddess that escorted him hooked his arm with her strung bow, yanking him to a halt. Her earthy hair was in a messy pile of countless braids that sat on top of her head. A lean hound trotted obediently at her heals. I knew immediately it was Artemis, goddess of the hunt.

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