Chapter 2: Training isn't my thing.

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My eyes were glued to the screen as usual. The blue of the screen was giving my skin an unearthly glow. Ash was out getting the nail polish brats and dragging them back to HQ. When I heard the irritated voices I ran out into the hall only to get bumped into someone. He had Golden blond hair and green eyes.

Tobin. In the corner of my eye I could see a sandy blond haired guy about my age with penetrating blue eyes. I hadn't seen him here yet so  he must be a new recruit.

"Well, Xander this is Kailynn." I smile and Tobin continues talking. "She is going to be training you in computer science for the next couple of days. Ash will be with you later for combat training. Which reminds me, I've got to get going." Tobin says and walks towards the interrogation room.

I stare at him out of shock. "Thanks for telling me about the new recruit Tobin!' I yell down the long hall and I can hear his laughs echo with him. Xander shoots his rather large hand towards mine, and I shake it. "Sorry for the so called 'introduction'." I murmur and rake my sweaty palms into my hair. He smiles and that smile almost made me want to melt. Almost.

I am the weaker one between Ash and I.

"Yeah well let's just hope the combat trainer isn't a girl." he replies. I give him a disapproving look. "I'm not being sexist I just don't want to hurt them." he says as he raises his hands in mock defeat. A smile creeps its way on my lips. Oh how wrong you could be and I'm going to laugh when Ash kicks your ass.

Xander follows me down the various sizes of halls back to my office. Papers and books are scattered everywhere and my latest collection is sitting piled high on my desk. "So, if you want to be a computer geek like me," I point to myself and sit crisscross in my chair, "Then you have to learn the basics." I grab a small slip of paper and hand it to him.

His nose scrunches at the sight of the paper. "A test, really? What is this, elementary school?" he scoffs and crumples the paper and tosses it into the trashcan with a perfect throw. My eyes narrow into slits.

"You were way nicer when Tobin was around." I cross my arms over my chest and he folds his behind his head and places his feet on the table.

"Well not everyone is like you Miss. Goody two shoes." he smirks as my mouth forms into a perfect "o". Is he seriously being an asshole? Okay first he was a sexist pig and now he is an asshole. This is going to be a fun couple of days isn't it?

I sigh and rake my hands through my hair, which has become a habit of mine since I first met this guy. "Listen; if you really want to join ISW then you're going to have to act like a spy. Just like everyone else. You aren't any different from the rest of us." he rolls his eyes but nods anyways.

I'm glad he kept his snarky comments to himself though. I open one of the desk drawers and pull out the test again. I slide it across the mahogany wood and he grasps it firmly in his hands. He takes a thick pen out of the small flower pot near him and starts to write on the slip of paper.

Oh how I love my job.


"Training recruits is harder than I thought." I groan plopping into the seat next to Ash in the break room. She laughs and takes a bite into an apple. The door to the lounge opens and three people walk in. Tobin and his "assistant" as they call her, Renee, and another girl followed behind them holding a gun.

My eyes grew wide. I was never too fond of the use of guns around here. Then I felt the couch slump down next to me and felt the heat of another body a bit too close to me for my liking. I craned my neck to see that Xander sat with his hands wrapped around a water bottle and he was sipping it every few seconds.

"Kailynn, what are you looking at?" a voice took me out of my thoughts and I realized I was staring at him. Thankfully a cough intruded and I didn't have to reply.

"Hello children," Renee says with a smile. Seriously, Children? "Tobin and I would like to make an announcement about some changes that need to be made for ISW." Tobin nods along with her words then takes over the talking.

"We need some more agents to start working in the combat department. Which means we will be cutting some of you from the other programs." he adds and looks towards me. Ash looks towards my direction too, with a giddy smile. I bury my face in my hands and rub the sleep out of my eyes. Just when I'm almost done getting everything all sorted out, they have to change what I do best.

I look up and see that everyone has dispersed into their own conversations.Tobin makes his way towards me and forces an older man out of his seat by only giving him a glare. Tobin has that kind of effect on people.

"Kailynn I know you will hate me later on for doing this but I will have Ash train you and Xander so you both will be prepared for combat." He sighs and pats my knee reassuringly. I roll my eyes and swat his hand away.

"Well," I stand up and poke his chest with my finger, "If I die, you have to pay for my medical bill." I smile sweetly and join Xander and Ash across the rather large room. Ash makes a grossed out face as I near them and I smack her shoulder.

"So I see you've met pretty boy here." I point a finger towards Xander and he puts a hand on his chest in mock hurt. I scoff and grab a soda from the mini cooler near the door. "Enough you two, be happy! I'm training both of you in the same room!" I groan as the words spill out of Ash's mouth.

Just the thought of it makes me want to puke. "Oh c'mon Bennett, it won't be that bad!" Xander chimes in slinging an arm over my shoulder and ruffling my hair. I groan louder and turn my head towards Renee. I mouth the words "Help me" and she just shakes her head and laughs.

I have to deal with an annoying trainee and I have to make sure I still get everything learned and perfected by the time we find the Power Killers. Do you think they will believe me if I say I shut the power out just so that i don't have to be here right now? No... Probably not. I sigh and take another swig of my soda.

Xander pokes my cheek and says, "Now we can be besties forever!"

I give him a death glare and say in a monotone voice, "Yay."

-A/N- Not sure if anyone is reading this but.. should i do more of the characters thoughts and take out more of the dialogue or..? just let me know what you guys like more :) -Liz & Zoe

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