Chapter 3: Xailynn, fan girling, and punching.

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  • Dedicated to Pedro The Unicorn and All our fan girlies out there :D


After we all went to bed last night (I stayed at the dormitory in the ISW) I woke up and went down to the training room and set the equipment up for Kailynn and Xander. Maybe I should ship them; make them Kander or Xailynn.

Okay yes, I have a fangirl side too. I'm not all evil, murderous, assassin so yes, I have layers. Don't judge. I set up a treadmill and a few pull up bars along with five punching bags. A few workout mats were already scattered around the place so I didn't bother setting any of those up.

Pretty soon a loud voice that I recognized as Tobin's boomed through the intercom. It crackled a few times before the voice became clearer. "All combat trainees please report to the training room for your first lesson." and then it was quiet again. For about five minutes I was left alone to my thoughts and I was grateful for that.

Ever since the power went out, I always wondered why we wanted it turned back on. I mean, we've lived so long without it so what was the point? Maybe seven years isn't long but for me it is. Seven years without my brother.

Just thinking about it makes me feel nauseous. When Oliver died I wasn't sure if I could keep working with the ISW. I only did it because he was there, because he was my rock. But now that he is gone I feel like now I should do it because of him.

Show him that for all those seven years I've actually gotten somewhere far in life.

And I will absolutely make them worth something.


I started my workout still waiting for Xander and Kailynn. I moved toward the radio and let the music envelope me as I wrapped my hands and started punching the punching bag. I felt someone behind me and go to the back of the punching bag holding it in place. I stopped punching it and moved toward the radio shutting it off.

I turned around only to find Tobin, not Xander, not Kailynn, Tobin. "Hey I need you to go find that mason guy after you're done training Xailynn." he said. i stop dead in my tracks. Are my ears defying me? Has Tobin joined the fangirl world and created a ship name for Kailynn and Xander?

"Wait you ship them too!?" there goes my fangirl side again.

"Obviously they're perfect together. They're both geeks and both hot, and hate each other's guts. It's meant to be." he said in a mocking girly voice. Speak of the devil both of them show up, bickering.

"Shut up!"  Tobin and I say at the same time. They stopped almost instantly. Tobin walked out of the room shaking his head. It's amazing how much we think alike. If I didn't have a brother already I would want someone like him.

I turned back to Xander and Kailynn. I pointed towards Kailynn and motioned her to the treadmill. She started to run almost instantly because she knows when I'm about to blow up, but Xander doesn't so I could have some fun with this. I motioned towards Xander and to the mats. I was going to try him out in hand to hand combat.

I took a defensive stance with my hands up. "You know what the hardest part about boxing was in the early 2k Xander?" I said.

"Getting punched?" there goes his smart ass mouth again. He lowered his defenses and that was my chance to attack. I landed a square punch to the jaw and I heard Kailynn gasp at my sudden act of violence. His hand shot up to his jaw and I smiled "it's keeping your hands up to protect your face. The face and head are the easiest ways to get K.O."

I let him and his shock sink in as I went to go check in on Kailynn. I looked at her speed. Wow, Only 3.9mph. I came up beside her and hit the power button. "What was that Kay? I've seen you go faster than that." I pushed on her making her want to prove me wrong.

It's called reverse psychology people! She turned the tread back on and brought it up to 7.5mph. I was steamed up and pissed. I absolutely hated it when people bickered quietly if you've got something to say, yell! it's not that hard. I get pissed off really easily.

I walked back up to Xander and raised my hands "COME AT ME BRO!" I screamed. And long story short he did.


We all walked back to the HQ together. Xander was bruised and battered from my wrath and I had to carry a passed out Kailynn on my back because of her sore legs and lack of oxygen. Poor thing couldn't get out of the gym without collapsing. I only had a bruise on my arm from a bad attack point,, Rookie mistake.

We dropped Kailynn off at the dormitory and set her on her bed. We all got our own rooms. Hers was like teens from the early 2k's all decorated and colorful with reds, blues, greens, and pinks. After we dropped her off me and Xander went to the locker rooms (one for each gender obviously for all you perverts out there) and I took a shower releasing all sweat pain and anger out of my body.

I slipped a towel around me and grabbed my spare clothes which consisted of a red tank top, black pants, and a sweat jacket. I slipped those on after I got dried and put my hair up in a ponytail after parting it correctly. I thought about all of the possible strategies to get Mason to come with us or more so me since Xander and Kailynn weren't field agents yet.

I slipped on my high tops and grabbed my backpack and Lulu and tucked her under my waistband. Lulu was my favorite modified m9(gun) and I got one of the weapon techies to conjure up some tranquilizing bullets.

They only go skin deep but can disable a limb from working. I shuffled out the door. Mason won’t know what's coming for him.


-A/N- Writen by Zoe :) POV- Ash :)) and for all of you who don't know what a beretta m9 is, shame. luv ya readers.

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