Chapter 2-World Conference

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Author's note: Sorry it took so long to write Ya'll! But I am back! And now onward to America!

Ch2- Africa's reaction-

"What?!" Africa yelled at the world conference. She was a tall woman with dark as brown stardust at night skin. Her brown eyes sparkling with wild danger. She wore traditional colorful robes representing her people's culture. Slamming her fist down in outrage at America who kept his blue eyes, for once, fierce and serious. The rest of the world stayed silent watching this scene play out, even the Pasta-loving Italian was quiet staring at the raged woman.

"I'm sorry Africa, but America has decided to pull  back any aide we have been giving to your people. The U.S. government has spoken and feel as though they've babied you enough for your people to take care of themselves." America spoke with his head down ashamed that he could no longer help his friend, even if it was for the good of his people. Alfred than lifted his head to see her brown eyes near tears.

He sighed knowing this would happen, but he softened his look and smiled at her, "You're a strong woman Africa and you've been around longer than most of us. I believe you'll be able to pull through without me." Africa still glaring at him just huffed and walked out before slamming the door.

"That didn't go well at all, did it aru?" China voiced.

Russia's everlasting smile became a tad bit more creepy hearing that comment about America and Africa. "I don't think so, but I could always lend Africa a hand~" He suggested.

America glared at his once-upon-a-time enemy. "Oh no you don't! Just because I'm pulling back doesn't mean you got to! Besides aren't you a federation now!?"

Russia opened his lavender hued eyes sparkling with happiness, "Glad to know Amerika's gotten smarter and not calling me a communist anymore! That means you've accepted whatever was in the past is in the past, da?"

America sweat dropped and sort of cursed himself for doing that because of all the other times he called him a commie for jokes and being half serious. He had to admit though it was in the past and the fact that Russia used to be the Soviet Union and tried to make the world become one with them. But now he could be a friend. He rubbed a slight ache from his brain and looked at Russia... no his friend Ivan Braginsky in the eyes and said, "Yes, we can be friends again."  The world for once again looked at America in shock. Russia was definitely still for a second with surprise before showing his friend a real smile and offered his hand. Alfred Jones took it gladly smiling at him.

"So many new things today at this world conference, ve~ I like it, almost as much as pasta! " Italy commented as Germany grunted in agreement that besides America's situation going on this meeting went no where for everyone else.

Germany spoke up at last, "America, shouldn't you go after Africa?"

America shook his head, "No, She needs some time to think things over and I'll talk to her after she calms down." England was oddly proud of the fact that America was acting more mature, it also left him feeling a little sad that he still was growing up and not just as a nation. That got him thinking.

"America, how on Earth did you get your government to agree to isolation?" Arthur asked.

Alfred replied in a more energetic tone, "Oh! That went surprisingly well since I mentioned it on television in front of an audience to reveal my plan. Of course not giving them my true identity, but it left my government no choice, but to listen and give the people what they want. Sure, some peace people who want to help the world out were angry, but they soon understood that what needs to be done here at home."

"Pretty damn good lad." England smirked at how Alfred managed to get his way. Well, he was smart and has went through war after another in his lifetime. A couple which were his fault Britain frowned at that, The revolutionary war and World War One, when he asked for America's helped when he first asked for isolation and his economy was doing great. He got involved and caused his friend Japan who was at the time apart of the Axis Powers, bombed Pearl Harbor.  

China decided to pop in, "And what have you a plan to pay back the money you owe me?" Holding his panda bear.

Alfred smiled even more, "I started a budget on that too! With the money I'm saving from Isolation I would have paid you back in full within five years!"

China's face brightened at that, "Great! I expect my trillions then." The world sweat dropped at that considering China was like a loan shark, don't pay him back and you'll pay for it one way or the other. "You better have paid me back America, or else I'll make you into my whipping boy!"

Alfred laughed nervously, "Don't worry I will pay you back in due time. I already got quite a bit saved up and ready to give you." He wrote up a check of 1o million dollars to him right then and there. "I hope this will suffice for the time being?"

China gladly took the money, "Yes, this will do." He smiled that the America was being so responsible.

America laughed out loud before declaring, "Okay! Meeting over!!!" He ran out of the room before an angry German could scold him about taking control of the meeting. Again.

'Forget what I said about being responsible' China thought, but thought America wouldn't be America without that personality trait. He smiled before he went to go give the ten million to his government letting them know America was planning to pay back the whole thing back within five years time. 

Author's note: few! So muuuch! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment if you like/hate. It helps me out greatly. I'm also open to suggestions on story idea's! You're welcome to vote/follow. Thank you very much! Ja ne! Tata for now!     

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