Shot. 2: Rockstars troubled by fans...

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I know all were waiting for this update on sunday na... Sorry could not make it up....

No boring bak baks lets move to
shot. 2:

The whole set is dumbstruck with the sudden outburst of Rockstar Pragya... The Rockstar, who is an idol for many and an example for a brave woman is crying like anything and didn't bothered that a huge crowd is seeing ger vulnerable state...

 The Rockstar, who is an idol for many and an example for a brave woman is crying like anything and didn't bothered that a huge crowd is seeing ger vulnerable state

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Purab barges to the stage angrily and shouts to shut the camera off... He is hell furious and bashing the crew mercilessly... The whole production team is dumb struck and they dont know what to do at that time...

Purab yells on the top of his voice:

This is why I said you pragya, not to come to any shows or attend any unwanted interviews ... Why are you being so adamant now a days.. See... Where it had brought you.... You have pushed yourself into a big mess again...

Pragya: Sorry... Jiju... I... I didn't... Meant to....

Purab: Not anymore... just keep quiet pragya.... I know what I have to di now...
(Turns) By the way, Miss. Mahii...  what did you said to us and what you guys have done, hun??? Is this a way to defame the celebrities and insult your guests of the show?? Are you guys working for our rivals???

Mahii: No.... Nooo sir... You are completely mistaken... Its unintentional and nothing like you think.... Really I'm feeling way too bad as I didn't expected this at all... I'm extremely sorry for the troubles created Pragya madam and Purab sir...

Pragya (interrupts) : She is not at all at fault jiju... Dont mistake her please... It's my emotional and weak moment and I got carried away uncontrollably... I'm fine now... Let's continue the shoot now...

Purab (fumes) : what the hell.... Why are you not listening to me pragya???

Pragya: Please jiju... Atleast let me do to please my fans...

The shooting resumes and the program continues as usual... Mahii's head is bursting with many unanswered questions... She wants to know the answers for the mysterious things behind pragya's love and her emotional outburst...

The show ends with a bang... Pragya and Mahii goes to the back stage...

Pragya: Thanks for inviting me Mahii... Such a brilliant show... I enjoyed a lot..

Mahii: my pleasure madam... Sorry, if I hurted you...

Pragya: Chill up girl.... Dont worry... Be chirpy n crazy as always ..

Mahii smiles: Dont mistake me... I know im talking out of box... Just curious to know what's the hidden mystery in your life...

Pragya chuckles: "That much eager to know about my dark life... Its not like you think mahii... Mine is a very bad story with a sad ending... The people whom I believed cheated , betrayed and even back stabbed me...

ROCKSTAR Vs ROCKSTAR - Abhigya 5 shots by CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now