The Announcement

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Harry sat at the Gryffindor table with Hermione, Ron, and Neville. The threesome sat almost uncomfortably as they watched the sorting ceremony.

After each student was sorted, the room gave an applause that echoed like a yell in a gaping field. Harry felt himself bury his face into his hands, waiting for Dumbledore's speech to begin.

"Hello students, new and old. This year at Hogwarts is going to be a very special year."
Dumbledore paused, and the Great Hall filled with gasps of nervousness and excitement.
Dumbledore continued;
"Hogwarts is going to be holding a party next Friday, that is meant only to get to know students from other houses."
The students from each house table let out a very loud applause, many first years were  smiling gleefully at each other.
The Hall let out an "awhhh", knowing that Professor Dumbledore would say something that wiped the grins off their faces.
But they were wrong;
"There will be separate parties. Two Years at each."

"For the first celebration, the years will be Year One and Year Two students"
A happy cheer came from the first and second years.

"Then, Third and fourth years."
Screams of happiness erupted from the third and fourth years, Harry noticed, there was a particular beaming pair of smiles from the fourth-years that made him shake his head in disgust; a Ravenclaw with curly platinum hair and a Slytherin with straight black hair were noticeably the happiest of all, the two girls looked ready to hug each other

Unfortunately, the Ravenclaw girl caught Harry staring; she leaned into the direction of her Slytherin friend and mouthed "Potter", nudging her head in Harry's direction.

Harry blushed hotly and looked to Ron in embarrassment, who didn't mind making the scene more embarrassing for Harry.
"whoop, Harry!! The pair are in fourth year!, you could find those smiles in the sixth year too, I did." Ron quickly cast a glance to Hermione who seemed to be so engaged with Padma Patil that she didn't seem to notice Ron sneak his arm round her shoulder.

But Harry was sure he'd seen a subtle twinkle in Hermione's eye.

Soon, their Feast was served. Harry ate scrumptiously in large amounts, the food tasted like the clouds of the heavens.
As Harry ate, he looked round the Hall.
Everyone looked so happy.
Except one particular Slytherin.
One who's eyes were cold.
Draco Malfoy.

Harry and Malfoy were known for not being friends. They hated each other since first year.
Ever since, Harry thought, the arrogant pure blooded Malfoy roamed into Hogwarts expecting to be showered in gifts.
But Malfoy's arrogant and obnoxious expression didn't appear to be on his pale face as he stared across the Hall blankly.

As he stared across the hall at Harry.

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