A Note

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Harry woke up on Friday morning; the common room was up and running.
"HARRY HURRY UP!", Ron yelled, He was wearing His uniform very nicely. Ron had his tie tight, his collar down and his robes ironed.
"Oh and Harry i ironed your robes, they needed it!"

"And why are you so giddy and dressed up?", Harry mimicked posing for a picture as he spoke.
"Harry, you dimwit! it's the party today!"
"Merlins beard, Harry! The party! Remember? Dumbledore said that the sixth years get their own party due to the seventh-years N.E.W.T.S!"
"Oh,yeah", Harry responded quickly, though, he didn't listen to Dumbledore fully.

That's funny, why a party?

The classes went by as slow as a slug, and when the Golden Trio got to Charms, finally, they all felt ready to go to the party, even Hermione!
Harry thought it would be fun to hang out with the other Gryffindors and maybe get to know some of the house members he did not know as well.

Little did Harry know, because he was not listening, that the party was not only for Gryffindor.

"Harry, me and Ron need to
go see Professor Firenze! Shall we see you later, then?", said Hermione, waving Harry off as she disappeared around the corner with Ron.
Harry heard in faint voices about where they went, "'Mione, i brought you here because..uh.", unmistakably Ron's voice.

Harry crept closer to hear them.

"w-w-well u-uh uh"
"Go on, Ron."
"D-do you.... wanttogotothepartywithme?"
"Oh! I'd love to, Ron! I didn't know you needed a partner, but for sure! I'll go get ready, i wasn't going to attend, you know."
And Harry could almost feel Ron's smile.
Harry silently praised his friend, then went on his way to the dormitories.
He'll probably hang out with Dean and Seamus.

As he was inches from the common room, Harry felt a pull on his shoulder. Not long after, He felt a push on his back, causing him to topple over. Right under his nose, literally, was a piece of parchment that had a single sentence written on it, and an ink smudge.

Hey clumsy, Meet me in the old Divination room a half hour before the party xoxo - D

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