Little Crush

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"Har-Potter?", Malfoy stuttered, after what seemed like an eternity of silence.
"Yes, Malfoy?"
Draco paused, and looked at Potter quickly, then looked away.
"I-I'm really sorry.", Draco stuttered, looking at his feet.

Harry was astonished.
Since when did Malfoy apologize?
Harry shook his head, it was so obvious that Malfoy was here to torchere him.
Why else would he tease him in a note, trying to make him think it was an admirer that would meet Harry.


"What do you want, Malfoy?"
"I t-think i was going t-to ask you to the-the party."

Harry was shocked.
What was Malfoy doing?
why was he playing with Harry's head?
"Malfoy, what are you playing at? You are vile and cruel to me at school. Stop playing with my feelings."

For me?

"Well, u-uh Malfoy. You seemed a lot more confident in your little note.", Harry said sassily.

Malfoy did not know about Harry's little crush, right?


That went over terribly, Draco thought.
Harry's emerald orbs stared curiously at Draco, in an inquiring sort of manner.

"Harry, i only do what i do because, well...."
Draco paused, "I panicked  when you touched me the other day, Potter. I panicked when you came to help me..."
Draco made a side note to bang his head against the wall for being such a fool around Harry.

Harry's intense eyes were now staring straight at Draco, eyes interlocked.

Draco found himself swimming in the emerald water of Harry's eyes.
Harry was his lighthouse in the dark.
Talking to Harry blushed Draco's cheeks, and agreeing with Harry gave Draco a reason to smile.

Potter did not know about Draco's little crush already, right?

"So, fine, I'll give you one chance, Malfoy. Be my friend, be nice to me, and tell your vile friends to stop tormenting me."

Draco gulped, so did this mean.....
"yeah, sure, Malfoy.", And at this, Draco finally had a reason to smile, ear to ear.

"Malfoy, promise me you'll stop bullying me and my friends, maybe try complimenting us for once."
"Well, Potter, your eyes are pretty."
Harry blushed at Draco's comment,
and Harry and Draco exited Professor Trewlaneys room hurriedly and excitedly, relived that this grudge between them had ended once and for all.


Malfoy and Potter.

Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Who would have thought?


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