Chapter 5: Letters Goodbye

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' Dear Allura, I'm sorry we couldn't talk before I left again. You must think I'm a disappointment, huh? I'm leaving blue in you're hands. I know you'll be a great paladin. I don't think I'll ever come back, and if you see me, leave me. I can't hurt anyone more then I've already have. You were like a big sister to me. Thank you, I know you'll be better then me as my replacement. -Lance'

'Dear Coran, you are probably the greatest man that I've ever meet. Thanks too you, and your words of encouragement I was able to have something to look forward too— when— I mean, when I had hope of going back to earth. Please stay the same. Forever. - Lance'

'Hunk, you my man, are the kindest person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Your my best friend, and I'm sorry..... I'm sorry that I left without saying anything. And if we ever met again, I'm sorry of what you'll see me as. The new me... don't miss me too much... because I'm not worth it. -Lance'

'Pidge, I'm sorry that I didn't know you were a girl. After I found out, I've been paying more attention to everyone closely. But that's not the point... you're a smart girl, and I know you'll find your family. But if it's any consolation price, I always saw you as a little sister to me, I just wish I could be there when you find your family. Your going to go far. I know it. -Lance'

'Dear Shiro, I'm sorry that I was such a disappointment. Don't blame yourself of what a failure I've become, I should have never let my guard down— it was because I was stupid and craved attention and acknowledgement. Sorry I was always annoying. Your the best space dad. Lol. -Lance'

'Keith, I'm so so sorry for the past three days, well, just for everything. I just thought that after all our time together, you would be the one to save me from my hell. But I guess I'll always be a broken soldier. But thank you. Thank you for being my rival, for pushing me past my limits. I wish I could tell you— All of you, what I've been through, what I've seen, what I've done. But I would have just disgraced the paladin name. I'm no defender of the universe, I'm just— his play thing, ha ha, bottom line being, whatever you do! Don't. Come. Looking. For. Me. Ever. And I'm going to miss you, all of you.'

They read the letters out loud one by one, and the more they read, the more confused they had all be come.' Don't come looking for me?' Was he serious? Of course they were going to look for him! He was their friend, their family!

"What the quiznick is this!" Allura yelled, slamming her fist into the table.

"What dose it all mean?" Hunk asked, tears filled his eyes.

Placing a hand on Hunk's shoulder, "I don't know, but we should look over the notes more, maybe he left a clue in one of them?" Shiro said.

Keith just stayed silent. 'His plaything?' What did any of it mean?

Pidge punched the wall with her fist, tears streamed down her face, his was pissed. "He's so stupid!" She yelled, storming out of the room.

"Pidge, wait," Hunk cried after her, but she came back shortly after, gripped her laptop in grasp tightly. Slamming the laptop down, Pidge go to work right away.

"I'm going to find that moron," she muttered to herself.

"Why dose he think he's a disappointment?" Shiro asked, he was stressed more then anyone. They're a team! We're family. How could he think he's a disappointment, a failure? He was the an important member of Voltron. 

"It seems he took a pod last night," Coran stated, showing a the tracker ripped from pod.

"Did he?... break it?" Hunk asked.

"No, just parted it from the pod," Coran answered.

"Wow," Shiro said stunned." I didn't even know he could do that,"

"He really doesn't want use to find him huh?" Pidge muttered sadly.

Gritting his teeth, Kieth stomped out of the Control area, and down to his lion.

"Keith?" Shiro asked, fallowing after him.

"I'm going to find Lance, brag his ass back her, then beat the shit out of him," he yelled.

Shiro placed a hand on Keith's shoulder, forcing him to look Shiro in the eyes. "We're going to find him," he sighed," but first, we need to actually find him, then— you can kick his ass," he said in a comforting tone.

Sighing heavily, Keith nodded. "Yeah. You're right," he said, fallowing Shiro back to the others.

'I'm going to find that idiot, and I'll make him stay. He will— tell me how he feels.'

"I'm back!" He yelled proudly as he strutted in through the heavily doors.

Sitting himself down on a bigger then king sized bed. The silk purple sheets felled up. He smiled happily at prince Lotor— who was not amused.

He pulled Lance by his caller, pulling him to face Lotor probably. "And where have you been, my pet?" He asked coldly.

"In space," he joked, pulling a cocky smile.

"What a tale," Lotor chuckled darkly, throwing the boy down on his back. "You can tell me more, as a punish you," He said, pinning Lance.

"Goody" Lance smirked as his legs wrapped around Lotor, pulling him closer. Licking his lips, Lance pieced his lips. "If you can break me further, then I'll tell you,"

Lotor just smirked, pulling out Galra handcuffs from his belt." I think that can be arranged,"

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