One- Meredith

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 It all comes back to me the fires, the people running and shoving, but most of all the alarms rising and falling like my lungs trying to breath with all of the smoke. It began in math we were taking a test something I never enjoyed and most of my friends were in other classes. The teacher had stepped out for some reason now I know it was because of the zombies.

  I was towards the end of my test when an announcement came over the speaker " Students i'm sorry to inform you that you have been all entered into a war... one we never thought would come back, all the people from 0-10 and 25 and up are safe. When children turn 11 they will be sent to Earth to fight the zombies with you, when you turn 25 you will be able to come to safety on planet Vorom, we will update you when we can, thank you for your fighting".

  There was a pause from everyone we were all processing this information, me myself didn't think it was real until the alarms began. We had never had drills for an apocalypse but we all ran to the door. I was sitting in the back and had a hard time getting to the door but adrenaline was pushing me to flee the crowd of people than could turn at any minute and kill me. As a million questions filled my head that's when the fires started, how they started? I have no idea. I pushed my way through the hallways trying to get outside not only was the smoke horrible but people were moving every direction pulling me away from the exit.

  I started to panic standing in the middle of the field wondering what I was going to do. I stayed standing as I looked around just in case a Zombie came and I needed to flee. I jogged a little down the field but that jog soon turned into a sprint as an undead came at me, I didn't realize it was dead at first because it looked perfectly human and didn't run as slow as I thought it would be but it was running at me .The zombie moved targets seeing easier prey, the girl looked injured already so she couldn't run as fast I looked away when she was killed . I ran faster. I ran into someone full force falling backwards onto my hands.

" Sorry" I said quickly getting up. The somebody was Heath I remembered him from English his sister is my friend, Ally. Heath had a pale face with tear stains. I wondered if someone he knew died . He didn't say anything but he got up and started walking.

" Come on" he said and began to jog. I hesitated but followed.


"Heath, why did you help me?" I ask when I couldn't take the silence any longer.

" I don't know" he says in a boyish voice that reminds me of a ten year old. 

" Allies?" He asks .

" Sure, where are we going?".

" My house, that cool?".

" Yeah, do you think everyone will turn against each other?".

He smirks as he says " Of course I think people will turn the world we have known for the past seventeen years just changed, we no longer have a reliable food source, pluming, water".

" Good point". 

When we get to his house he says we have to go around because his key is in his backpack which he left at school. Once in the house he gets some water for the both of us we both gulp the water down getting more after.

" So what is the plan for you know,  the zombies?" I question.

" I don't know yet I was thinking survive". This makes me smile I wish it would have made me laugh.

It soon gets dark,  Heath says I can sleep anywhere because he knows he won't be sleeping tonight so I pick the couch. I get a few hours of sleep but my mind soon wakes. I lay for awhile but I soon become restless and get up to find Heath. I find him in the kitchen cutting an apple, he sees me and hands me a piece I take it and bite into it the sugar burning my raw throat.

" It burns" I say.

" Really?, you must have been on the second floor that's where the fire started".

" Yeah, how did that happen?".

" I don't know but you could see the smoke from the top of the school".

" Where were you... when it began".

" First floor, room 24". I envision where room 24 in my head its right near the main entrance of the school it would be easy to get out of the building.

" Hey were you crying before?" I ask cautiously.

" Yeah I saw..", he trails off and restarts " My friend Chris.. he..he didn't make it".

" I'm sorry, I just can't believe that people have already started dying".

" Yeah who knows if we will even make it to twenty-five and we only have eight years to survive until safety, think about the eleven and twelve year old's".

I don't answer because it pains me to much to think about it, think about any of it, so instead I look out the window trying to figure out how I am to life to twenty-five.

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