Two- Heath

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Me and Meredith walk down streets for no real purpose she just needed to get out of the house. We have been living together for about two weeks now, and for some odd reason I want us to stay together.  Everything is more quiet now no one seems to drive cars, you never hear airplanes. I don't like being outside, this far away from home, far away from what I think is safe.

  Meredith wanted to leave the house though and I couldn't let her go by herself, I mean arn't we a team? 

" I need a shower" I comment.

" Then take one" Meredith states.

" Hey, can we go back now?". She turns around.

" Scared?".

" Yeah a little, and should'nt you be scared? don't you want to not die?".

" I should be, yes, but don't really care if I die"

" You don't care if you die?".

She turns back around and starts walking again. I shake my head a little. Wow she is a piece of work. We continue walking for a couple blocks looking around. Its funny I never thought the Earth would be able to take back its land so quickly, but from what see It has grass comes up through all of the cracks in the pavement, the trash that was once on the street has blown away so it seems as if we have only left the trace of buildings here."

"Where are we going?" I ask.

" My house, that cool" She responds copying what I said when we first meet.

" Why are we going to your house?".

" I need clothes, a toothbrush if we are still gonna be allies".

" Do you still want to be allies?".

" I guess" she says but she looks like she just punched herself in the stomach, like she should never had brought up us staying allies.

  Soon we turn up onto a porch of a light yellow house. Meredith sticks her hand into a bush finding a key, and opens the door. She drops the key onto a table, walks down a hallway and vanishes into a room. I look around seeing pictures of her and her family, pictures of a dog that seems to not be here. Her house looks cozy, loving, happy, I don't understand why she would just be okay with dying, wouldn't she want to live to 25, live to see her family again?

  She comes back again a backpack singled over her shoulder. I stare at her she has medium length brunet hair, brown eyes that give her an edgy appearance, shes tall for her age but I'm still taller, she wares a t-shirt and jeans, a ring on her finger that looks like it has a z on it.

" What?" She demands.

" I just don't get it" I say.

" Maybe your not meant to get it, come on I got to show you something".

 I follow her to a basement door which she opens reveling a giant storage of food, water, tp, clothes, paper cups and bowls, pots, pans, you name it its in there.

" Holy shit!" I exclaim.

" Yeah my family thought there would be a reappearance of zombies so they stockpiled".

" Did they know they wouldn't be on Earth when the zombies returned?".

" If they did they didn't tell me".

" Can we stay at your house?". She makes that look again like she shouldn't have showed me the stockpile.

" I rather not just cuz..".

" The memories?" I suggest.

" Yeah, but we sure can take some food and other things, oh and these". She picks up a gun.

" You have guns, just laying around?".

" Well I got this one from my room, the others are in the gun racks".

" You have a gun, in your room?".

" Yeah, do you know how to fire a gun?". Yeah along with skin an animal I think sarcastically.

" Yeah" I lie not thinking she'll believe me. I guess she does because she comes back with a pistol for me. She hands it to me I take it like an idiot trying to impress a girl. 

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