Three- Aidan

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  I have been sitting in the same spot for two weeks. I havn't eaten in two weeks, I'm just, not hungry. The  picture of her dying replays in my head over and over again, I can't sleep so I just sit here. I sit in a classroom, room 220 to be exact, papers have been scattered from people running, chairs flipped from being knocked down, her body lays in front of me, still, like she could be sleeping, but she isn't, she's dead.

  I remember her alive, her smile, her bright blue eyes, and most of all the touch of her lips against mine. I miss her I think. I should get up, but my legs won't move, my eyes won't move off her body. I wonder why I havn't been attacked yet?

  Why did she have to die? I should have died instead, maybe I will die soon, I havn't eaten anything. My body is still in shock. The memory plays again.

  I sit in bio looking at the empty desk in front of me. That's weird I think, Mr. Clapsy is always on time, maybe there's a sub. I'm poked.

 " What?" I ask her as I turn towards her.

" Did you do the homework?".

" Yeah, it sucked".

" I didn't, can I copy?".

" No" I say wanting to see what her excuse this time.

" Come on my parents are really coming down on me, they say that if I don't start getting all A+'s I won't be able to do cheer leading".

" Why A+'s?".

" I don't know there stupid, so can I copy?".

" Fine, but you owe me one".

" Yeah, yeah".

She starts to copy my homework when I smell smoke but no one else seems to notice it so I ignore it. Everyone lifts there head when the door opens, who will the sub be?

 The person who walks in holds a clip broad, wares a suit, and looks to be very, very hungover. Another person walks in also holding a clip board, but wares a construction workers hat, but still looks also very, very hungover.

" Hey who are you guys?" I hear Chris say. They don't answer. I start to put the pieces together when I hear the alarm, low as it starts but it gradually gets louder.

" There zombies" I say. I get up, grabbing her by the hand, I lead the way sprinting to the door. We are the first ones out the door which makes us the targets. Were chased as if a pack of wolfs are chasing us. The hallways begin to get crowded, I can no longer see who the zombies are.

  I lead us into a classroom that seems to be recently emptied. She grasps my arm them releases it falling to the ground dead. I run to her side shaking her but she won't move, won't breath.

In my tears a low whisper crosses my lips saying " Why, Ally?". 

 I'm pulled away from the memory as I hear a familiar voice, Heath's.                                                                                                 

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