Four- Re

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Trapped in the halls of my school forces everyone to work together but when the problem can't be fixed it makes people realize they may die. I sigh sitting up against the lockers. I close my eyes the sweat on my forehead drips down my face, and I open my eyes. We all are sweating, which isn't good, not only do we have no water to replenish are never ending sweat but we can't fix how hot it is. Or get out of the hall, trapped by clear blocks that were meant to keep out zombies, not the survives. We have been trapped for days, weeks?

     I lost track after the water fountains stopped working and started slowly dying from dehydration. I swallow, blinking to bring him into focus, Tristan, he sits across from me with some other friends hes made. I turn my head to a scream looking at the body on the floor that must have just died. The girl who screamed now cradles the body that just fell saying something but I can't hear what shes saying.

  Tristan turns his head looking at me I see his lips move but I don't hear anything. "What?" I ask my voice barely a whisper. Tristan gets up and grabs my arms lifting me up off the floor. He is leading me somewhere but I don't know where. I stubble Tristan catching me I hear his voice it says "Water".

The word makes me perk up but Tristan still keeps me steady as we walk to water. I gulp the steady steam of water from the fountain as Tristan presses the button. After I am finished drinking I splash water on my face. I hold myself up then turn around and fall onto Tristan my legs giving way. Whats going on? Why can't I hear? Why do I feel faint? I look at Tristan's face then I black out.


I wake up in a bed a fan blowing in my face, I hear voices near me, there laughing. I get up falling back on the bed. Tristan walks in.

"I got this for you" he says handing me a mug, "Its tea".

"What happened to me? Where are we?" I ask.

"You were very dehydrated and weak, and were at Heath's house, with Mere and Aidan" he says with a pained expression.

"What about Ally?". There's a pause then "Re... Ally, she died".

I must be dreaming, Ally didn't die, no, no she didn't die, this must be some sick joke Tristan has pulled on me.

"Your lying" I say.

"Re, I'm not lying, Ally died, I'm so sorry for telling you this".

The tear falls from my cheek and they just keep falling, and soon I'm in a pool of my own tears. I feel a hand on my arm then a voice "Shhh, it will be okay" Its Tristan.

Even in my discorded state I find myself wondering why he is looking out for me, but at the same time I find myself pulling him closer to me, wanting him to sooth the pain that consumes me.

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