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【Chapter Song ● Ready for it by Taylor Swift


He left me just like that.

Well, isn't it what Ethan Williams always does? Leaves you after giving you a soul shattering intimate moment.

It took me a good minute to recollect my thoughts and to understand what just happened. Ethan came to my office and did things I have always imagined him doing to me. But as usual, he didn't complete what he started. He's left me hanging though, his last words were still echoing in the depths of my mind, " be naked when I get home".

Did he by any chance, mistook me as someone else? Did he do all of it keeping his girlfriend in mind? Bullshit!

I continued doing my work once I had completely took control of myself again. Evening came and it was time to go home and get naked? Naah.

I was telling myself that yes, he did picture his girlfriend when he was giving those orgasms. He did that the other too, when he kissed me and gave me the utmost pleasure. Sadly, the pleasure samay meant to be for me, it was for someone else. That lucky girl, he thinks of her when he kisses me. He thinks of her when he does those things to me.

I reached home and went to take a shower straight away. I didn't want Ethan's touch to remain on my body and remind me of how good his touch felt.

After my almost half an hour long shower was over, I took my robe and wrapped it over my body. I walked towards the mirror in the bathroom and looked at myself. The guy who I called a friend once, left me. The guy who I called a friend once, has changed alot. The guy who I called a friend once and want to be loved by now, has a girlfriend and tells me to be naked when he comes home.

Laughter escaped my lips instantly. My life was legitimately, fucked up.

I went to my bedroom and decided to wait for him. I sound silly, I know but, I did decide upon it. Toom out a random book from my bookshelf and opened a random page. Started reading. After the passage of half a minute, closed the book shut. Couldn't do this. Couldn't stay in bed wearing nothing underneath the bathrobe when his voice kept on playing in my head. So I jumped out of my bed and walked to the kitchen. Ate something, rather anything that came in my hand. Still, mind not at peace. So decided to take a shot at watching TV.  Turned it on, kept on changing the channels and tossing between a cookery show and the news channel for I don't know how long.

Why isn't  this man coming and fucking me up when I'm so ready for it!

At last, when all my hopes had died, I dragged myself back to my bed and turned off the lights and snuggled into the sheets. My eyes were still wide open, hoping, wishing, begging for a knock on my door by a 'certain someone'. The certain someone who is the best in  business, the master of this art. The art of making Joy Miller come and reach her highs as fast as she can. 

Now that he wasn't coming and my eyes couldn't handle more of it, I finally went off to sleep.


The buzzing if my phone and the bombarding of the alarm together, woke me up. I hurriedly turned the alarm off and then, took the phone to see a message.  A message, by none other than.. the promise breaker, rahe what I'd decided to call him from now. It was from Ethan.

Schedule a meeting with the board at 8 am sharp.

And here, I expected it to be a " sorry". Bullshit.

My anger was boiled up to its maximum point. I knew that today wasn't going to be easy. I knew that if I see his face, I'd probably bang someone's head in the table and it'd be better if that someone is Ethan himself.

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