Chapter 4

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Mae sighs as she looks over the stern faces staring back through the windshield. "We're boxed in. Sam and Dean are waiting and Bobby is getting out of his car too." She whines "I don't want to be in trouble."

Lilly exhales deeply as she tries to make herself more comfortable. She points across the yard. "Make a break and gun it."

"No, I don't want to drive on my garden!" Mae sobs as she sneaks her hand over the door to push down on the lock with a soft 'Click'.

"Well too fuckin' bad; I don't want to talk to people at this particular moment. So you-" Lilly stops mid sentence as her door is ripped open. She opens one eye to see a snarling Dean. "Oh come on! I haven't even been here long enough ta piss ya off! And Mae's right there! This isn't even fair! "

The door next to Mae rattles as Sam attempts to open it. "Mae open this door, now." Sam says through the door, his face set in concern as he eyes her injuries. "What the Hell happened to you?"

Mae leans back in her seat, shaking her head at Sam as she gasped for air. "Lilly," She says, her head rolling away from Sam to plead with her sister, "Tell them I just panicked, I didn't mean to hang up, why didn't you lock your door?" Mae says in a shaky voice. "I don't want to get in trouble."

"She panicked. I wish I had locked my door." Lilly deadpans as she does her best to move away from the very pissed looking Winchester.

"Don't even try it." Dean all but snarls at Lilly as he hits the car's unlock button for Sam to grab Mae. "We heard you talking. You didn't hang up." Dean says, snapping his own phone shut.

"Noooo," Mae meeps and goes to re-lock her door but Sam is quicker.

Lilly stiffens at Dean's tone, but is too injured to try to do anything to get away from the seething man standing next to her. "Oh, did you hear that Mae, you're not in trouble. You forgot to hang up." She says, disbelief dripping in her voice.

"Oh." Mae says as she starts giggling between deep breaths.

"She's going to start having a panic attack soon... Someone should do something about that...Also she's bleeding a lot..." Lilly says looking over towards Mae with concern, feeling very detached.

Sam gently pulls the bleeding and hyperventilating Mae from the car. He turns back and looks to Bobby, motioning that they need him. "Just breathe Mae, I've got you." He whispers, attempting to sooth her though he's anything but calm when he sees the amount of blood smeared around a dozen or so visible cuts on her face and visible through rips in the hoodie she was wearing. He settles her better against his chest and begins walking towards the house.

"Lilly, we can't help Mae unless we get you inside with her." Dean states as calmly as he can.

Lilly reaches over to pull the key out of the ignition, biting her lip to keep the moan of pain from passing her lips and hands the keys to Dean. "Nah I'm straight. I can just chill here. I'm fine." She shrugs, leans back in her chair, closes her eyes and attempts to will her stomach to stop turning.

"Yeah, okay." Dean says, pulling her into his arms. He kicks the door shut and starts walking with Sam to the house.

Lilly tries to bite back her scream but the minute he gets to the stairs it escapes, causing Dean to pause mid-stride. Concern for the girl washes over him; especially when he feels her fingers digging into the material of his shirt, reaching for comfort and going as far as shoving her face against his chest.

Dean couldn't keep the thoughts from racing through his mind, a million unanswered questions. He wondered who the hell hurt them, both of them at that? Where the hell had they been? What the hell happened to make Lilly seek comfort, she wasn't the type of person to want or need it... The list kept getting longer every minute he thought about it.

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