Chapter 38

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Dean unlocks the door and walks into Mystic, happy to finally be home.

"Hey guys, we're back!" He yells out as Sam closes the door behind them, breaking the relative of the silence of the house before Mae comes running from around the corner straight into both of them.

"Sam, Dean!" Mae hugs them both tightly. "You've just missed Ellen and Jo, they've been helping helping Bobby out with the phones. How are you two? How is breaking the contract coming? Are you both okay? Have you heard from Lilly? I've missed you both so much!"

Dean chuckles at the girl, patting her head as he maneuvers out of the hug to allow the couple time to just bask. He's hit with a pang of jealousy and loneliness as he wishes, not for the first time, that his woman could make better life choices. "That was a lot of questions at once. Wanna try again?"

Mae turns in Sam's arms to lean into him. "Have you heard from Lilly, everyone else seems to have, but me." She pouts; feeling guilty for asking, but needing to know.

Dean's eyes shift to the wall with a frown. "Yeah, she called. She seems alright, but I only talked ta her once, and that was a few weeks ago. Her phone's never on. How are you?"

"Well, I'm just glad you guys are back. Bobby's been teaching me a lot of ways ta help with hunting."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Sam asks pulling her in for a tight hug, squeezing her tightly even as he sends Dean a concerned look.

"I'm answering phones, doing research, and learning to shoot a gun. He even gave me one of his extra ones. I can actually shoot inside the circles now!" Mae exclaims happily.

"That's awesome Mae." Dean says with a strained smile. Fuck, I never wanted her to get dragged into this. Knowing about the gigs, that's one thing. Training to participate, whole new world of nope. He pulls her into another hug, ruffling her hair.

"Cut it out Dean." She says with a smile, slipping out from under his arms and backstepping into a bookshelf. "Oh yeah, the letters she left you.." Mae's face drops as she pulls two folded papers out from under a book on the shelf.

They each take the letter offered to them. Dean pockets his immediately, but Sam opens his. His eyes scan the short letter several times; faltering as he tried to figure out if it was even written in english. The rushed chicken scratch scrawled messily over the note, completely illegible.

"Well, that's Lilly for you." Dean remarks, unable to read her writing. He just knew it was a short message.

"You never read this?" Sam asks Mae..

"No, it wasn't addressed to me." She explains as if that should have been obvious. "Not that I didn't want to..."

Dean snatches the letter out of Sam's hand and quickly gives it to Mae. "Well here then, tell us what it says."

Mae takes the letter and begins reading it. "Sup Sammy." She starts before her eyes drop to the next line, her face twisting in confusion. "Don't fuck up Mae this time. You hurt her this time around, I will fuckin' ruin your life. Take care, Sam. Lilly." She finishes simply as she looks between the brothers. "What did she mean?" She asks curiously.

The brothers just exchange a look, both looking to the ground sheepishly. "Remember what I told ya, about the Trickster's trap we fell into? Lilly didn't appreciate I left ya alone is all." Sam admits rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at everything but Mae.

"Oh." Mae shrugs. "It's not like it's set in stone. Lilly and Dean have already proved it can be changed."

"That's very true." Sam concedes with a small smile.

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