Chapter 8

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Sam walked through Mae's garden, finding the place amazing all over again. The sheer size of it was astounding and the fact she mostly kept it up herself was mind boggling. He paused as he rounded the corner, taking a moment to let everything sink in. It had been awhile since he'd just had a peaceful moment to think; to process everything that had happened to him and Dean.

He'd died. Dean, in a desperate act, had traded his soul to bring him back. They'd accomplished their mission: Destroy Yellow Eyes. Dad had even shown up, escaped from Hell just to assist them.

After the showdown in Wyoming, he and Dean had stumbled across one case after another before finally making it back here. What the hell was up with these girls? They'd shown up and both sisters were beaten to Hell and back. These girls were always surrounded in trouble – at least when he and Dean were around them. Their first two meetings had been filled with violence, and yet the girls had made room in their home for them; had accepted them and the lifestyle they led. Now here they were, trying to solve the enigma that was these girls' lives. Dean was determined to help them before he died.

Sam let out a sigh as he thought about Dean's demon deal. He was determined to figure out a way to save his big brother. It was the least he could do.

But beyond all that, he had finally found a sense of peace. His mother and Jess could finally rest in peace. Their memories were less painful now that Azazel was gone. And with that sense of relief, he could finally admit he had feelings for Mae; not that he could act on them, Mae was in a whole different class than him. But, he could still enjoy her presence and he found her intoxicating to be around.

Sam sighed, wondering how he was going to convince himself to leave Mae alone. The pull he felt was strong; it was the reason he couldn't leave her alone out here now. Though told himself it was because he was worried about her moving around so much while injured. Where is she anyway? He pulled out his phone to call her - hopefully she had her phone - when he suddenly tripped over something.

"Who's there?" Mae's voice floats out from somewhere nearby.

"It's just me." Sam says, detangling himself from her basket as he stands up.

"Oh. Hi Sam." He finds her straddling a branch several feet above him and picking apples. "Here, catch." she says then lets an apple fall from her hand without considering its direction.

"Ouch! Mae, give me a sec to grab the basket." Sam says, rubbing his head. He picks up the basket, readying himself to play this game of catch. "Go for it."

She picks in silence for a moment, absentmindedly tossing the bad ones in a nearby bin and dropping the good ones down to Sam.

After clearing her tree of all the apples she could reach in the dark she begins to climb down. She lets out a squeak of surprise as Sam cups her hips.

"I got you, just let go." He whispers, afraid to startle her again.

She does as he asks and finds herself leaning into him as he guides her from the tree. "Um, thanks." She says, blushing. It takes her a moment to realize he hasn't dropped his hands away from her yet.

"Should you really be climbing trees right now?" Sam asks her quietly, running a finger lightly over the bandages on her arm in a gentle reminder of her injuries.

"Well, it's the only way to pick stuff unless I use the ladder, and I don't feel like dragging it around in the dark." She says, purposely misinterpreting his question.

"That's not what I meant. I'm worried that you're going to hurt your shoulder or start bleeding again." Sam admits.

Mae looks up him smiling "You sound like Lilly, I'll be fine." She then proceeds to pat his shoulder in comfort.

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