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Aahana p.o.v:

Whenever I thought there wont be any worst situation then this the next one is proving me wrong.

knots formed in my stoamach by thinking about the the purpose I was sent into this room.though I want to forget the situation the smell of flowers constantly remainding me.

who kept the first night as a ritual just after the marriage? haven't they thought about girls whose marriage is arranged,to someone?

when I spotted my lauggage in the corner of the room a sigh of relief escaped my mouth.taking out casual wear instead of night wear I went into the bathroom to change.

the bathroom was lavish the jacuzzi at the other end stunned me.

They may be rich.

though i took a shower couple of hours ago the jacuzzi infront me is insisting me to come into it. Removing the heavy uncut diamond necklace and earring set gifted by my  mother in law revathi I started removing the other jewelery,makeup and dress before stepping into the water.

It really relaxed me. I just want to spend couple of hours here away from all the confusion,rejected feeling, anxiety about future.

The relaxation of warm water made my tired eyes sleepy.It was like a second when I closed my eyes before opening them up.There are sounds of things been thrown coming from the room.I hurried out of the jacuzzi and dried myself with a towel.

"Ahhhhh...." The sound of someone screaming in anger shook my hands and legs making it difficult to wear my pants.

Then there is this sound of glass breaking made my legs unable to stand.

What's going on?

I sat on the floor waiting for the sounds to stop. Everytime I hear the man shouting my heart stopped for a second. Tears flowing continuously with the thought what will happen to me if I go out or what would have he done if I was in the room when he came inside.

After sometime the sounds stopped making me peek through the door. What I saw made me shut the door instantly. Glass pieces with BLOOD.

OmgIs this man a pshyco?

I can't watch blood. A drop of blood is enough to make me fall sick. Even If I got a cut I wont look at it until my ma covers it with bandaid.

Seeing so many pieces of glass with blood scared me to hell.

Amma,Nanna Anna I don't want to be here. Please take me home.


Writer p.o.v:

"What do you mean by saying that girl    was home with her parents? " the women in mid forties shouted on her husband with worry on her missing son.

"I went to that girls home whom I remembered as Karthik's ex-girlfriend. Expecting to meet her parents but she is also there. When I asked her about Karthik she said he didn't approached her. Nor does she when she found a guy to marry that is a week ago." His voice was low.

"Then where did my son gone?" She asked no one in specific.

"We should file a complaint.."

Ding dong.

The calling bell rang. The women turned her head to the clock which showed one thirty a.m.

"Open the door Mahi."the man asked his nephew.

Mahi opened the door and got shocked to see the person who stood outside.

Hey lovelies...

First of all tq for 900+ views guys..love all😘😘

So another chap...

How do you feel about it?

Do you think Abhay's actions created a permanent fear in Aahana's heart?

Whom do you think everyone is searching for?

Who is the person at the doorstep?

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