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Writer's p.o.v:

Abhay ran to the balcony as soon as her body disappeared from his sight.

He screamed her name like a mad man as soon as he saw the scene from the balcony in shock.

The boys who are conscious came and saw the scene too left in shock.

Aahana's body is dangling to a iron rod extended for renovation from the balcony of second floor balcony.

Quickly recovering from shock Abhay ran to the second floor.  The door of that apartment was closed.

He started kicking it to open it. But it's not a easy task.

He tried hitting the door with shoulder and kicked with full force .

Gathering the full strength he hit the door with shoulder. The door cracked visibly but immense pain shoot from his shoulder.

He closed is eyes and screamed at the pain clutching it. He heard door cracking further. He looked at the boys kicking making it free from hinges.

He pushed them aside and entered in not minding the pain anymore.The only thing he is concerned is saving her.

  He paused for a second to figure out which room lead to that particular balcony.

Running to that door he tried to open it. Luckily it's not locked. With heart drumming into chest. He slowly looked down at the scene.

The rod is extended from temporary platform made by the workers for renovation.

When he observed clearly, the rod is pierced into her hip.  And massive amount of blood is running down the bottom part of her body.

The situation is tough.

To remove her body he may have to step on that temporary platform. But he could sense the danger that might be caused by his weight.

The platform is madeup of few iron rods of different lengths aligned horizontally and vertically to form a rectangular platform.

That won't fall for his weight but once he steps on it, it might  swing or shake to which Aahana might get even more hurt.

When he observed closely he saw the wound from the side of the  stomach. It is like a flesh sliced open.

He closed his eyes for a second and got hold of his emotions saying to himself that he has to do something not crying.

He assumed how it is occured.

When she feel down her body made contact with the sharp edge of that rod which pierced into the bottom of side of her stomach. With the speed she fell and due to her weight her body moved little more down making the rod to cut the flesh even more. Almost upto her ribcage.

He fell into deep dilemma on whether to get on the platform or not. There is no other option that's coming to his brain.

Looking at her paled skin and blood running down tears formed in his eyes flowed down his checks. Wiping them up he thought on focusing on the situation though he wanted to break down and cry.

"Get on that and pull her." One of the boys Came and shouted in tension.

" No . the weight might cause the platform to swing and her body might fall down." Said another one.

They all are frightened they thought of kidnaping her but the outcome is shaking them to the core.

Abhay looked frantically for any other chance. Then his eyes landed on the rolls of tent in the ground floor.

Holding the collars of the two boys he pulled them closer and said through clenched teeth.

" Listen to me carefully go down and spread those rolls so that if by any chance she falls down you can catch her. Do you understand? If you make any mistakes you are going to die first. "

The boys nodded. The one behind them is at the edge crying also nodded. Abhay asked him to stay there to help him.

Though all he wanted is to kill them. But they are only option he have.

This might be the first time he thought with patience rather than going blindly with anger

The Watchman who just entered the building saw the boys trying to open the rolls. He quickly ran to stop them but stunned when he saw the scene above him.

The Watchman immediately called an ambulance and gave them a hand too.

The three of them spread the rolls and was ready in the estimated area where Aahana might fall.

On the top floor Abhay removed his shoes and slowly got on the  platform.

It swing a little but luckily stopped once Abhay got his balance. Slowly moving towards her  he felt his brain becoming numb.

He slapped himself to get back.

He stretched his shaky hand and placed two fingers below her nose to check her breathing.

He did not remember when was the last time he prayed to God. But now he is ready to bargain with God for her life with his.


Hey lovelies..

Firstly how is the chap.

The 2 reason why I am late are,
One I wrote my sem xmz. Two I have the scene running in my brain but it's difficult for me to put in words as I'm not good in English.

I tried my best to show the criticality and emotions in the situation.
I hope it reached you.

I promise I  will definitely increase my vocabulary and try my best to bring good content to give you a better reading experience.

And next chap will be tomorrow.


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