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Aahana p.o.v:
my heart started beating faster with passing second. I licked my dry lips and held the mobile tighter.

I was nervous as I was unsure of what to say. And lack of response from the other side made me more nervous.

"hello" I said once again. This time I got response.

"Aahana" his was voice soft with disbelief evident in it.

I became completely still listening him calling my name.

"Aahana. Is that you?" He asked.

"I..I.."  wait I forgot what I wanted to tell.

"Your brother... He is coming" Kiran shouted from the door peeking out.

I immediately ended the call. Kiran came and silently sat beside me.

" You should leave now. You here for a long time already." Anna came in and said to Kiran.

Kiran got up angrily to leave.
"Bye Bhabhi. I will come some other time."

"No need to come again." Anna said immediately,to which Kiran didn't even care to respond.

I looked at phone number which Kiran sent unsure of  what to do. Taking a deep breath I finally pressed dail.

Whilst it is ringing ,It took deep breaths to control my nervous feeling.


I went still again. Even Kiran is not here to give me confidence.

"Hello. Aahana?"  How did he know my number.

"Aahana" He called my  name so softly which lifted my confidence a bit.

"Ha.." that's all I managed. There is pause for sometime.

"How are you doing?" He asked in a gentle and soft voice like he is talking to a kid.which is very different from the  Abhay I know. It relaxed me so much.

" I'm..good. how are you?"

"I'm sorry. "

" I'm sorry too. " I said immediately I want to say that for a long time.

" For what?"

"You must've gone through a lot of things after that day." I said the last part slowly. He chuckled.

He chuckled!

" And you went alot because of  I was an idiot. I know a sorry is not going to wipe all the things I did and said Aahana. All I want to say is I regret things I said or did which hurt you. I don't ask for your forgiveness because I know I don't deserve it. But I do you want to say sorry for a million times if you listen."

The sincerity in his voice made my heart beat in another rythm.

He sounded like he kept out something deep in his heart in the form of words.

"I forgive you" I said. That's all I can make.

There is a pause for sometime.

" Hello?" I said to check if he is still there or not.

" You are the one whom I always wanted. Still you are the one whom I did hurt most.
This may sound so different after what I did, but you are the only one whom I wish to protect you from the world .
Call me selfish but you are the only one whom I want in my life . 
Yet I want to push you away from me as I don't know if I can protect you from me."

Hello lovelies..

Another update.

Late update sorry... I was working my butt off to clear an exam . Which even after so much hard work went very very bad.

Next update will be tomorrow.

How is the chap?

Plz vote and comment.



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