53 part 2

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Aahana's p.o.v:

It is tough for him. I can see it in his eyes. He is looking at me But not actually. I can see the hurt he is feeling . I can sense his worry. A loan tear escaped his eyes making my eyes blur.

" Leave. " He said turning his back to us.

"Nanna." My brother started but didn't continue.

My mother signalled us to leave. I looked at my father before turning around and left the room.

" So. You have to pack now? " My mother asked when we are at a distance. Her voice low. I nodded slowly.


"I have one condition. " My father said looking straight at Revathi Aunty. 

"As long as that doesn't effect children happiness we are okay with that. What it is? " Asked Revathi aunty.

My father made Abhay's family come here with out us knowing. I was shocked seeing them sitting in living room. I was in the same position until Revathi and pooja aunty came ans hugged me.My brother said  my wanted talk to them before he accept me moving with Abhay.
He specifically want to talk to Revathi Aunty saying he finds her more sensable. Though he also included Raghu and rajeev uncles and pooja aunty in this meet.

Who sat beside Revathi aunty facing my dad ,mom and  brother.

I heard the door bell ring I went to open it before anyone could as I can guess who is that. As I expected  Abhay walked in giving me a heart warming smile before touching my check. His hand dropped so is his smile once he turned to others in the living room. He didn't seem surpised like ge already knows.

Abhay and I sat in seperate chairs brought to living room to adjust everyone before they started talking.

" I want them to stay with you guys not separately. I don't want risk her staying alone with him again."

Everyone looked at Abhay looking for his response.

" I am ok with it. But.. "  Abhay stood up and went towards my dad.

"Don't ever again think that you will be having say in what we do or the Authority to put conditions. I am doing this one time just because I see the good for Aahana in this. "He said that in a way that you can understand his anger .

"  See this is  the reason why I don't want my daughter to stay with you.  I don't think you changed a bit. Look Aahana you can see that i am correct when I say to end this marriage . "

Abhay instantly held my father by collar things changed in seconds. I looked at Abhay in shock.
Everything around is chaos.
" You think you can stop me from taking my wife. " He shouted
My brother and Raghav uncle seperated Abhay from my father.

" This boy.... You want me to trust this boy. " My Father shouted.

"Aahana we are leaving. " Abhay  yelled coming towards me. I stayed rooted where I am.

Abhay held my hand and started moving but I stayed still making him stop and turn around.

" Aahana.. " Before he can continue my brother shoved him away.

" Anna stop. " I yelled.

" Everyone calm down. " Revathi aunty shouted.

" Abhay apologize your father in law  for what you did. Right now. " She yelled at Abhay. Who stood there just pulling me close.

"Apologizes so that you can take your wife happily from here. " She said again.

" Is it that easy. Do you think we will allow it after all this. " My father said.

"  Do you think I don't see what you are trying to do here railing him with words of ending marriage and all. I can see you playing dirty there Aanand. Don't play with my son's weakness and don't make me reduce you in front of your children again. " Revathi said and turned to my mother.

" I promise you, your daughter will be safe with us in our home. You can trust me with that. " She said taking my mothers hand in hers.


I can feel his anger. I can only imagine how mad he is. My father and brother went calm only after Raghav and Rajeev uncle said sorry on behalf of Abhay.

I know he is guilt that they apologize because of him. I held the seat tightly when the car speed picked up again.

When the speed increased again, a tear rolled down my check even after trying so hard to control them. Followed by Second and third.

The car came to a sudden halt. A hand cupped my chin and turned to face its owner.

He slowly rubbed my right cheek wiping the tears. I wiped the other side with the back of my hand.

"Did I shout at you? " He asked his voice still held hint of anger in it
. I shook my head in negative.

" Did I hurt you in any way? " I shook my head again.

" Then why the heck are you crying? " He sounded frustrated. Then there is more than a hint of anger in his voice.

My bottom lip trembled Without my control a new set of tears came out.

I love him,I know he loves me too. But that doesn't me I can take him being this angery even though it's not at me.

He raised my head by holding my chin with index and thumb finger.
" Please don't cry. You can meet them after sometime when things are calm don't cry. "

" Dri-ve slow" I said.

He leaned back in to the seat and closed his eyes  after taking my hand in his. The car is filled with silence before he broke.

" I am sorry. I want to be calm Aahana. I really want to. But I lost it when he said he wanted you to end our marriage. I can't take it. I was afraid that you will agree with him" He said slowly opening his eyes.

" I love you. " I said wiping my face. He smiled.

" I know.  I am sorry. It will not happen again. " He said kissing the back of hand and the palm.

Sorry for Late😣

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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