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21st March, 2012
My parents arranged a party this year on my birthday, my 14th birthday. They gifted me a lot of gifts and they all were absolutely wonderful!

They told me that it would be great if I joined them in their work, they wanted me to be an actress. An actress? At a very young age? Well, I was just 14!years old. Won't it be difficult for me? But they said that no it won't be because I'm their daughter, I'm the daughter of the Hollywood Stars. So there's no chance of me facing any kind of  difficulties and if I unfortunately faced some so they will do something.

Then I also had a problem. This problem was not letting me final my decision. I loved writing so so so much and on the other hand I had a very little interest in what my parents wanted me to do.

Like seriously, Hollywood? They wanted me to join Hollywood!? No way! But then I think I should do it even if I love writing more then acting, I should go for it just for them because I know they won't let me do what I want if I refused. So LET'S GET READY MISS HAZEL MARTIN!

Kate's p.o.v

Wow! I wish they had given me this golden chance to prove myself. I had rocked. Hazel joined Hollywood at an age of 14, umm, then what about her writing passion?

As the days passed I was knowing each and everything about Hazel. What she wore, what she did, what were her hobbies, which difficulties she faced, what she liked or disliked and how many boyfriends she had, whom she hated, whom she loved, whom she missed, each and everything! The hours were passing like seconds and the diary entries were still left.

Sadly, in 2014 her grandmother and grandfather both passed away because of a road accident. She was all alone now. Her parents always had issues in spending time with her and whenever they talked, they always talked about Hazel's new movies and her new articles, magazines, etc.

Hazel became really very famous after her second movie "The Girl And The Wonder Witch". She also mentioned how much people loved her and her talent! She was fabulous.

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