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19th February, 2016
Every year I am sent to London for these auditions which I hate. The first reason are the girls present there and the second reason is that I will miss Jack! It's so tough to live all alone there! I just want to rip my hair out of my head but then it's just a matter of few weeks.

I paused. I had an idea! Why don't I be Hazel? Why don't I go and take auditions? Why don't I complete my dream? Why don't I go and meet Jack? Why don't I go and live with Hazel's parents? Why can't I?

I need to talk to Aunt Sofi. She can help me, she can talk to my parents and make them understand everything but after the completion of reading all the diary entries.

I still have no idea how my life changed. How I started running on another path which leaded me to everything I had been wishing my entire life. I think and think...

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