Chapter 6

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(I did some grinding, and I recruited a Namekian named Uzma, three Offworlders named Maid, Paopao, and Litee, and a Sayian named Huki, as well as leveling up some. Jeica also learned Shooting Rain. This isn't really going to be going by the game in this chapter as it is how they recruit DBS Future Trunks, Zamas, and Goku Black with two of my own characters. I am also going to do some Side Quests so this will be a longer chapter.)



Froze: Oh, hello, Jeica. How long have you been dating Pinich?

Jeica: Huh? For a few months, I guess almost a year. Why?

Froze: It's nice to see younger people doing things like dating.

Jeica: Younger?

Froze: I'm almost thirty one, and I do have a young daughter.

Jeica: I could have see you as younger. You don't look old.

Froze: Ice Jins age and grow different than others.


Jeica: Oats, can you help me with something?

Oats: What is it?

Jeica: I'm trying to learn more hand to hand combat.

Oats: So you want me to help you with hand to hand combat? Sounds good,

Jeica: Thank you.


Trunks: Hey, Goten!

Goten: Huh?

Trunks: We haven't had time to spar together lately. Do you want spat some?

Goten: I split someone so I'm cleaning it. if we work together, we can spar sooner.

Trunk: Alright.

--Froze Answers--

Trunks: How do you know my dad?

Froze: I was raised around him when I was younger. He did work for my father after all.

--Main Story--

We headed out to the second layer where the first three power levels were. We landed on a small island, where on under a tree three people stood.

Froze and I took a few steps forward before Froze just stopped, staring at one of the three people. The three looked over at us, and I saw why Froze stopped.

One of them was a female Ice Jin, older than Froze. She had green skin with what looked like a black dome thing under her brown hair, that was pulled into low pigtails. She had a single blue eye with the other not being there. She had a tail that ended in a nub. This Ice Jin wore armor with a skirt instead of shorts like Froze.

Trunks stopped secondly and stared at someone.

Another one had blue hair that was in the same style as Trunks. He wore a blue Capsule Corps outfit with a red bandanna and black pants. His pants were slightly cut and were tucked into green boots. On his back, he had a sword.

I looked over at the last person, a young boy.

The last one had long blue hair that covered one of his blue eyes with the other side of his hair being an undercut. He wore a green hoodie with jeans and a sword on his back. He has an Ice Jin tail that was half green and half black.

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