Chapter 8

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(I did Tien's and Yamcha's missions off screen.)



Trunks: Jeica! I want to ask you something.

Jeica: Make it quick, please. I'm busy.

Trunks: If you're a Demon, are you holding back?

Jeica: ... I am stronger than I act and show.

Trunks: I want to see how strong you really are.

Jeica: No.

Trunks: Hey! Jeica!


Kiwi: Dad!

Blue Trunks(DBS Trunks): Kiwi? What's up?

Kiwi: Do you have some free time?

Blue Trunks: I do. Do you need some help?

Kiwi: Yes! Well, kinda. You promised to each me proper swordsmanship.

Blue Trunks: Come on then. We should go the training room.

Kiwi: Thanks, Dad!

Blue Trunks: Hey, watch the tail.

Kiwi: Sorry.


Saibaman: Gwaah?(Master?)

Jeica: Hm? Something wrong, Syi?

Saibaman(Syi): Gwaah gwaaah. (You seem like something is off.)

Jeica: It's nothing. I just miss my family.

Syi: Gwaah gwaaaah. (Do you want to go for a walk?)

Jeica: Yeah, that sounds nice.

--Froze's Answers--

Jeica: How much longer until the Timespace Tournament starts?

Froze: In about two weeks so we have some more time to waste.

--Main Story--

The next morning, we headed to Hercule City, where we found a boy that kinda looked like Goku.

"Huh? You look like me," Goku said.

"Wait... DAD?!" The man said.

"You're Gohan?" Trunks asked.

"No way! Dad?" Pan asked. "You're so cute!"

"You're my son?" Goku stared at him.

"Well, it would make sense," I said. "There are many different versions of us in this place."

"Huh?" He looked at me before I explained everything. "So that's my dad, and that's my daughter."

"Correct," Zamasu spoke up.

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