Characters I Have

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(I will update after every chapter.)


1. Goku ~ A Saiyan boy raised on a remote mountain. He had a very pure heart and astounding martial prowess.

2. Zukini ~ A Saiyan warrior trainer. He's strict and gets physical with his training, but has sent many skilled warriors out into the galaxy.

3. Zemma ~ A barbaric Saiyan warrior who loves to stand out. His moves are also flashy, and he doesn't care if they hit his allies, so watch out!

4. Heiya ~ Lazy and loves to sleep. He uses Ki Blasts and cheap tricks to keep his enemies confused and far away from him.

5. Gowry ~ A Saiyan mercenary who will take on any job if the price is right. He'll do anything to complete his missions, even if it means sacrificing a friend.

6. Goyan ~ A crafty Saiyan thug who fights by using traps and trickery, and never tries to take his opponents head-on.

7. Quillin ~ A Saiyan boy who's infamous for his tall tales and deception. He's rivals with Cissito, and they often have prank competitions.

8. Huki ~ A boy who decided to enter the tournament as a supporter, since he isn't good at fighting. He has a king heart and can't ignore injured people.

9. Sage ~ A strong Saiyan who's invaded many planets despite being a low-class warrior. Barbaric and cold, he'll take anyone one, even women and children.

10. Vasabi ~ A Saiyan warrior who learned magical arts since he lacked battle sense. His creepy smile can paralyze opponents with fear.

11. Stabba ~ An energetic old lady who's been retired for a while, but couldn't resist when she heard scout the tournament. She's very skilled at kenpo.

12. Narmis ~ Normally, she acts arrogant but she just has trouble showing how she really feels. She gets a crush on people who defeat her.

13. Kiclee ~ A girl who came to admire Supee Saiyans after reading about one in a picture book. She entered the tournament to get a Super Saiyan's autograph.

14. Prika ~ A Saiyan girl who loves training even more than midnight snacks. Often develop m new moves, she makes her Saiyan friends help out with training.

15. Ruccola ~ A Saiyan girl who's obsessed with fashion. She is especially keen on Earth fashion, and removed her tail because she thought it looked silly.

16. Vegito ~ Vegito's Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form.

17. Leganon ~ An unusual Saiyan who moved to Earth to do business there. He has a complex about his short height and dyed his hair blonde so people wouldn't tease him.

18. Zibar ~ A young Saiyan who was forced to attend high school on Earth since his parents are obsessed with academics. He ended up becoming a major delinquent.

19. Mint ~ A Saiyan who's 1/4 Offworlder and has trained in other worlds. She's surprisingly polite for a Saiyan, but gets scary when she's mad.

20. Lisee ~ A super fast and chic Saiyan girl. She hated people and things that aren't stylish and blows them away without thinking.

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