Chapter 29

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I gulped.

The guards surrounded us. They all held weapons in their hands; guns, crossbows, even swords. Completely old school, I know.

I tried yanking my foot out of the invisible trap. It wouldn't budge, in fact, it only got tighter. I could feel the blood not being able to reach my foot. It's starting to go numb.

I pull harder. This time, six red lines appear. Pain runs up my legs and tears fill my eyes.

Whatever this trap is, it has a tight grip on my leg. And the grips only getting tighter.

A trail of blood falls down to my ankle.

Why does this happen to me? I ask myself.

It's okay, you're going to be okay. I tell myself.

"What's wrong, Lauren?" Aidan asked quietly.

"Her foot's stuck," Spencer answered, not looking away from his former co-workers.

I bite my lip. I shouldn't have taken that step.

The weapons were pointed at us, and they didn't move. The guards almost looked like live statues, but they were ready. Ready for us to make a move.

A man, maybe in his late thirties, approaches us, gun in hand.

"If you were smart, you wouldn't dare try using your weapons." He warned.

Aidan clutches his bow tighter. I keep my gun at my side. I'm not even sure it has any bullets loaded in it.

"Put your weapons down," The man ordered.

"We're already outnumbered," I say. "What difference does it make if we have weapons or not?"

My leg stings where it got cut. I inhale a sharp breath, closing my eyes, hoping to stop the pain.

"We know how dangerous you are," The man says. "You and your crazy powers. You may look innocent but you could kill a man."

"Exactly, A man," Aidan points out. "Meaning we can't kill all of you."

Spencer didn't say anything in all this. I look at him with worried eyes. Is he okay? He looks a bit... scared.

The man looks at him next. "Spencer, I can't believe you decided to side with them instead of us."

"I'd rather help my sister than you any day, Dad."

Wait. Dad?

Aidan wears the same shocked expression as me, except, mine is probably more... shocked.

I look at Spencer, then glance at the man he called dad. The man didn't have the same blue eyes as us, nor was his hair blonde. Yet, there was some sort of resemblance in their faces.

Another shock of pain flares up my leg. It feels like the inside of my leg is burning. I take another sharp breath in.

Who knew a small ankle trap could hurt this much?

"Could you please take this thing off my leg?" I asked the man.

He used his gun to move away a strand of hair hanging in front of my face. "My darling daughter, if you agree to come back with us, then the cuff comes off. If you don't struggle. I can see the pain in your eyes. Might want to make your decision quickly."

Spencer grabs his gun. "Is Dr. Henderson making you do this?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," He hissed.

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