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I was so tired. I been home all day doing nothing but relaxing. Kyleigh went with Khai to get more clothes, shoes and other stuff. She said she was bored so he took her out.

I was watching the golden girls while eating some ice cream. The house was a bit scaring to me. It was dark in the back rooms so I thought some man was gone come out and attack me.

As I was watching TV, the doorbell rang. I got up and walk to the door. I didn't see anything in the peep hole so I open the door.

"Hey bitch"

I gasp and slam the door

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I gasp and slam the door. I was breathing up and down looking everywhere for a way to escape. "Kaven, open the door. Your ex wants to talk to you"Brandy said.

"Brandy, how the hell do you know him?!"I yelled.

"Can we talk inside kaven, it's cold"Brandy said. "He said he won't hurt you. He just wants to see kyleigh"

I thought about it and open the door. "Fine"they walk in the house. Dave was looking around the apartment then at some pictures.

"Doing good for yourself huh"Dave said.

"This isn't my apartment"I said.

"I know, I want to know how the hell you know Khai Brandy?"Dave ask her.

"I work with desire. She's like a queen pin down here"she said.

"Wait, desire sell drugs?"I ask.

"Yeah, you didn't know"Brandy said. I shook my head no and sigh. I sat down on the couch rubbing my head.

"Tell me why your here again?"I ask Dave. He look at Brandy for her to leave. She smack her lips and got up.

"Ima be outside"she said opening the door then close it.

"Where's my daughter?"he ask.

"With her uncle"I said.

"Kaven why you keep running away from me? I'm trying to see my child"he said.

"I don't know"I got up sighing. "I thought you was gone kill me or something"I said.

"Why would I do that? Your the mother of my child"he said following me to the kitchen. "I loved you"

"You loved me?"I turn to him.

"Well use to"--" but all I want to do is see kyleigh and spend time with her"

I nod my head understanding. "But why you keep running?"he ask.

"I didn't want my daughter with you at all. Your a leader of a gang, what if one day she's with you and she get shot or something bad happens to her"I had a tear coming down my face. "I can't lose my child Dave"

"That's not gone happen"he said. "I'll keep her safe from anything"he came close to me. I look into his eyes. That's how I made kyleigh. Looking into his damn good looking face and sexy body. We was bout to kiss, well he was about to kiss me but I kept moving my head.

The door open with Khai and desire coming in the house with kyleigh.


"Khai stop, we talk about it already"I pull him off Dave but he wouldn't budge.

"You better listen to your sister before I bust a cap in your ass"Dave said. Khai hands went to his throat.

"Khai stop!"I yelled. He let go of Dave still looking at him. Kyleigh ran to my leg and hide behind it.

"Mommy, who's that?"kyleigh ask.

I sigh ready to tell kyleigh. "That's your dad kyleigh"

Chasin After You ➡ Dave East Where stories live. Discover now