One Love (1/3)

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-Matt's POV-

I was currently sat in Josh's chair at his control panel in his studio, watching through the window that looks out from the control room into the recording room, watching Josh sing and doing what he does best.

I loved watching how happy and lost in the music he always gets when he sings, I wish he would look at me like that but he doesn't see me the way I see him. I'm just plain old boring Matt; his best friend.

Of course he would never love me that way. Why would he?

He is so beautiful, funny, loud, caring and sassy. He's everything you could ever want in a guy. He is perfect.

Then there is me; the opposite of him, I'm awkard and just a typical looking guy, I'm nothing special like Josh is.

I listened to Josh hit the highest note of the album, damn I still sometimes get impressed by his vocal range even though I hear him sing on a daily basis.

"I think I blew a rib" Josh laughed into the microphone, with his right hand on his chest. I could see his black purity ring on his ring finger.

"Dont worry josh, you'll hit pubery one day." I joked, over the intercom into the recording room so Josh could hear me.

"Haha, yeah I can only dream that one day I will become a real boy." Josh laughed, putting on a high voice.

"Nah dude, Sara will always be more of a man than you." I sassed him. Where did that come from. I'm not normally sassy, maybe Josh is affecting more than I thought.

"Woah, where did the sass come from matt? Come on we all know I am the queen of sass and your king of awkward. Thats our things." Josh put one hand on his hip and brought his other hand through the air clicking in a 'Z' shape.

"Oh, come on Josh. We all know you are a teenage girl, you don't need to act like it all the time." Mike walked through the door behind me.

"OI! I am not a teenage girl!" Josh yelled; in a high pitched voice with a big grin on his face, before putting his headphones back on the mic stand in front of him, before walking through to the control room where Mike and I were sat.

"Ok matt, out. I need to mix the song now and see what we are working with." Josh tapped my shoulder, gesturing for me to get out of his chair so he could sit down at the control panel. I got out of the chair, taking a seat next to Mike on the couch. The couch was against the wall on the left hand side of the room, to the right of the couch was the door that lead to the recording room. To the right of the door was the control panel.

To the left of the control panel on the wall, was another couch with a fridge to the left of it; in the corner of the room.n to the right of the couch was a bin overflowing with coke zero bottles and cans. The fridge was meant for food but there was never any space once Josh got his coke zero in it.

That guy really has a problem.

On the wall directly parallel to the control panel was a corridor that led to the front door of the studio.there was a small living room with another couch and two matching armchairs, a coffee table, a video game arcade machine that Josh had bought himself for a christmas present and a small kitchen.

"You need to make it less obvious, Matt" Mike wispered to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused at what he meant.

"Josh, Matt and I are going for coffee. Do you want anything?" Mike annouced, as he stood up.

"Coke zero." Josh simply stated, not taking his eyes of his computer screen that he was currently sat at; producing the song he just finished recording his vocals on.

"Don't you have the fridge full of it?" Mike asked, pointing towards the corridor.

"I ran out." Josh said. Picking up his last coke zero from his table and taking a zip; before chucking the can in the bin

"I thought you said you just went to the store and bought some before you came here."

"I did, and I'm out so I need more."

"Why do I bother asking?" Mike laughed.

"Hey! Leave me and my addiction alone." Josh turned to us and smiled, finally taking his eyes away from his screen.

"Whats this? Josh and his addiction for coke?" Ian's voice floated into the room from down the corridor.

"Ian, you make it sound so much worse than what it actually is." Josh laughed, looking at Ian as he walked through the door to finally join us in the control room of the studio.

"Josh, you know we all love you and care about you. You have a problem and we can help you." Ian said seriously, walking over to josh and putting a hand on his shoulder, before he burst out laughing.

"I hate you." Josh laughed back.

"Come on matt, lets go and leave these two to whatever this is." Mike grabbed my shoulder and pulled me out of the room.

-Josh's POV-

"Ian can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, once I heard the door to the studio close behind Matt and Mike.

"Sure man, what's up?" Ian said, as he sat on the couch to the right of me.

"There is someone I like but I dont think they like me back. It's driving me insane Ian. I dunno what to do." I sighed.

"Dude if she doesn't see how much of a great guy you are, then she is blind. If I was gay I would so tap that." Ian pointed at me as he said 'tap that'.

"Ok Ian, no need to come onto me, I know you have a massive thing for me but no need to flirt with me." I sassed, giving him a sideways smirk.

"So, who is the special lady that has caputred your heart?" Ian asked, seriously.

I dont know why but I started crying out of nowhere.

"Oh Josh. Come here." Ian stood up and walked over to me, pulling me into a hug. He he lead us over to the sofa he was previously sitting in. Pulling me down to sit next to him before pulling my head down into his chest as I sobbed.

"It's Matt, I like Matt." I sobbed harder into his chest. I was probally ruining his shirt by now but I didn't care.

"Oh" was all Ian said.

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