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{Jadai in media}

Love P.O.V

I am currently sitting in my living room waiting on Jadai to come over. To me the lunch was cool. I mean it was chill. I can honestly say he a cool dude and the vibe is hella chill between us. My thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door.

"I'm coming damn!" I yelled irritated that she kept knocking

I opened the door to be meet with not one but three faces. Standing behind Jadai was Kerrington and Brandon. I wasn't mad at the fact she brought them. That's on her. However the fact that I was in spanks and a sports bra was the issue. {If you don't know what spanks are they are spandex shorts that girls wear}

"Where ya damn clothes at ma!?!?" Kerrington fussed

"I mean I am in my house, so I thought I could wear what I wanted." I snapped back

See this is what I mean. It's a chill vibe, but he think he run me. And that is not the case. While I told them to make themselves comfortable, I went to change. Not because Kerrington said something, but because I felt that was wrong if I walked around like that in front of Brandon. I was bent over looking for some sweats in my drawer when I heard the door opened. I don't know who the hell told him he could welcome himself in my room, but he did.

"So we walking in peoples rooms now? That's what we doing? I could've been naked!" I fussed

"Shit that would've been fine to me bestie! We gon see each other naked sometimes." he shrugged

I just rolled my eyes at his foolishness. Instead of getting dressed in my room, I went in the bathroom. As I was changing, my mind drifted to Kerrington. What if we got together? I mean we wouldn't look bad, but we act just alike. I just pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and went back in my room.

Kerrington was sitting on my bed with his phone holding his attention. I took this time to really look at him. I must say the boy is mighty fine, and I wouldn't mind riding his face.

"Thanks ma and shit I wouldn't mind either!" he spoke

At first I was confused, but the I blushed and laughed in embarrassment.

"I ain't mean to say that out loud." I convinced

"You good at least now I know where you head is at. And where you want mine to be." he smirked

I let out a small laugh as I laid down on my bed.

"So did you enjoy our lunch?" he questioned

"Yea it was cool. It's nice to know that we can just vibe, and have chill conversations."

You could tell the vibe in the room was chill. Just how I like it. We sat in silence for a while. Until I broke it.

"Why do you do what you do with women?" I asked softly

His response was not what I expected.

"Those aren't women ma. They grown ass girls that need to grow up.... This is how I look at it. If you sleep with me on sight, I'm not going to respect you at all. Simply because you opened your legs for me because that's what you thought I wanted. I don't dog out women. That's not how I was raised. However I don't even really fuck these girls believe it or not. I only get head and then they gotta bounce." he explained

That response had me speechless. I didn't think he was wrong because I agreed. If you open your legs on sight then how can you demand respect.

"I see, but what happens when you find that one girl that you really want. Will you stop your ways to go for her?"

I don't know why I wanted to know that, but I did. And I was scared of the answer he was about to give.

"I will stop when were together. If we just chilling and talking, what I have to stop for? We just talking. It ain't no title put to what we have, so I wouldn't see the problem." he said with all seriousness in his voice

I knew it! That wasn't what I wanted to hear. I wanted to hear 'Yea I'll stop for her' not that. Frankly, I don't understand why I'm so upset about because I didn't see us together anyway.

"Ohhh cool..." I dragged

He laughed "That's not what you wanted to hear?"


"Nah you good I'm just thinking about your future girl. She going to have one hell of a time getting with you." I laughed trying to lighten the mood

I didn't think anything of it. We talked about more things up until he had to go. I was sad because I didn't want him to go. Not in that type of way. I just enjoyed his company. It was different than me and Jadai's conversations. We didn't talk about what we wanted to do 5 years from now, and how we felt on different situations.

"Cupid I ain't get your number!" I heard him yell from downstairs

If you didn't figure, he decided to call me cupid because my name is Love. I thought it was kind of cute. I ran down the stairs to give him my number. Of course he saved it as Cupid💍😍💛 then he texted me so I could save his number. I saved his as CareBear😎💛.

"Man change that gay shit! Tf I look like? Sunshine Bear?" he said jokingly

"Aye that's a good idea.. I just may change it." I played back

"Nah you can keep it CareBear it is" he threw his hands up

I hugged all of them, so that they could go. But before Jadai could get out the door she told me to text her later. After they all left out I thought about Kerrington, maybe he's not that bad. I should at least give him a chance to be a friend.

"This is going to be one difficult friendship." I said to myself


She enjoyed the date?

How do you feel about what he said?


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