I found a certain amount of peace in the music as it shook my car. I was completely drowned in the somber strumming of the guitar, the rattling of the strings, the echo of chords, the deep bass that buzzed in my bones and rattled the hood of my small Chevy. Oh how Frank Ocean's voice made me melt.

I quickly silenced the sound, unplugging my phone from the aux. From 0 to 100, I was suddenly in another world. The world of frustrated Florida drivers, immersed in honking and screeching tires. The crisp ding of bicycles and clicking of gears. Loud voices all talking over each other, a screeching bird, a barking dog, a wilding flapping confederate flag in the back of a blue pickup. Racist ass dirty white boys drove me insane. There was a man yelling at me, girls judging me behind their sunglasses, and the creak of my car door as I stepped out into the turmoil.

Suddenly, all I heard was the soft lapping of waves on the shore. The consistent sound in the back of my head. The consistent reminder that life was good. I got to swim in the ocean.

I floated into the restaurant,  Nisey greeting me with his usual soft smile. I smiled back, touching his hand for a brief second and kept walking. My feet brought me past the people eating and through the back doors to the kitchen. I flipped the strap of my apron over my head and tied the strings behind my back. Notepad in hand and pen behind my ear, I clocked in and stood in the doorway to the kitchen.   Showtime.

Glasses clinked and laughter ensued as I charmed my audience. I filled wine goblets and flashed big beautiful smiles at rich men. The bigger the smile, the better the tips. My heels clicked on the marble floor and lavender dress bounced with my curls as I strode across the room with a platter in hand. "Here's for you and you and - would you like a refill? Of course. Yes, my hair is naturally curly. Haha, I swear I'm not lying. Ah, I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend, but that's very kind of you."

Walking back to the kitchen with a dirty tray, I felt eyes on my back. Slowing to a halt, I whipped my head around. My eyes immediately met the eyes of a man in all black. His jawline was sharp and his gaze like a dagger. That was an attractive man. I shook my head and turned back, depositing the dishes in the sink.

Refilling a wine glass, I peeked up over the head of a small boy. The man in black was still here. I'd better check if he needs anything.. just because.

"Hello sir, are you enjoying your meal?"
-- -- -- --
"Yes, thank you- actually, there's one other thing I'd like to order.."

My heart began pounding hard and fast, and my breath hitched in my throat. "O-of course sir, what can I get for you?"

"You." He stood up, looking down at me with a smirk that curled the sides of his mouth and a sincerity that glittered in his eyes. He gently took the glass out of my hand, set it on the table, then swooped me into his arms and carried me out of the restaurant. I gasped, startled by his sudden gesture and shocking strength. He just picked me up! I almost grasped at the door as I was carried through it. Like laying on a cloud, I floated out in his arms. Placing me gently on the sidewalk behind the building, his hands gripped both sides of my face and his sharp eyes searched my gaze with an intensity that was almost electrifying. I could tell what he was thinking. Heat flushed my face and I could feel the slightest quivering in my fingers. Suddenly, his lips crashed into mine and his sweet breath like cinnamon had me melting in his arms. I ran a hand along his neck, slipping off his tie and-

"Miss, I said I wanted my check. Did you hear me? Excuse me, are you there?" He waved a hand in my face.

Startled, I inhaled sharply and nearly jumped. "Yes! Sorry sir, I was dazed for a moment- I'll be right back." Embarrassed, I scurried back to the kitchen. Why the hell did I always do that! I'd imagine stupid scenarios and embarrass myself as I drifted off into another world.

I quickly returned with his check. "Here you are Mr... " I looked at the name on the check. "Chesapeake."

"Oh, just call me Robin."

"Alright Robin, your check. And I'm terribly sorry for zoning out on you like that. I need a reality check every once in a while." I stammered, staring at my feet.

"No, you're fine." He chuckled. Then paused.

I glanced up.

"Do you, know where the surf shop is? I just moved here and keep getting lost trying to find the darn thing."

"Oh, yes!" Why did I say it like that? I'm so awkward in front of hot people. "I go by there on my way home from work. I can just tell you the directions now."

"That'd be great... Actually can I get your number and you just text me the directions? I don't want to keep you at work."

Was he asking for my number? Well shiiiiit. Hell yeah. "Yeah here." I pulled the pen from behind my ear and scribbled my number on a napkin. "Don't lose it." I smiled.

"Believe me, I won't." His expression burst into a grin before he slapped a 20 on the table and got up to leave. His coat whipped like a cape as he turned and exited the restaurant.

I was left staring after him like a fool.

"Ooh girl, I saw that." Dawn nudged me with her arm and scrunched up her nose in a silly smile.

I shook my head and huffed as she narrowed her eyes at me. 

"Are you blushing?"

"No, I am not." I turned away and walked over to my other table. I would not be wooed by any man. I had a job to do and a life to take control of. Even if I did imagine ... scenarios, that did not mean it's what I wanted.


That was a lie. I did want certain things to happen but they were just fun little imaginings. Nothing serious at all.

Dawn shook her head and turned, walking towards the kitchen. A hand reached out to tap her shoulder. She glanced sideways, then rolled her eyes. "Joseph, why won't you leave me alone..."

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