"Brea, how have you been?" Nisey greeted me as I entered the restaurant. 

"Good." I smiled, making my way to the Manager's office. 

"Why aren't you in uniform?" A look of confusion crossed his face. 

"I'm going on unpaid leave for seven months."

He froze. "What! Why?" He was shocked in the least. 

"I'm going on... vacation. There was a death in the family and I have to take care of almost everything." I'd prepared my lie the night before. 

Dawn came from out of nowhere. "You what?"

"I said I'm going on vacation. Or I guess it's a vacation, not exactly a happy one, but-"

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Nisey frowned, opening his arms to hug me. 

"Oh, no, we weren't close. They just don't have anyone in the right condition on their side of the family to take care of all the procedures and the house and everything." 

"Oh, I guess that's good, kind of." Nisey's arms fell to his sides. "But Brea I don't know how we'll survive without you for more than half a year. I might not even be here in half a year." Nisey was around 6'4", had glasses, a beautifully crafted face, and the slightest lisp. It was cute. He was large and muscular; basically no one would ever mess with him. I'm also pretty sure his parent's were Nigerian. 

"I'm sorry Nisey." I frowned. "I really love you guys, but I don't think I'll be able to keep in touch either. The connection is bad out there."

Dawn narrowed her eyes. "This almost doesn't sound real Brea. Why-"

Nisey flashed Dawn a stern look, silencing her. 

"I know, it's just crazy. But it's the african half of my family. I won't have connection. I can assure you."

Nisey nodded, then opened his mouth as if to speak. He quickly closed it and pursed his lips. 

"Nisey, if you got something to say, speak now. I'll be gone after today." 

His hands nervously toyed at his apron. "Well I wanted to ask you on a date, but you'll be gone, so today is my last chance."

I could feel my face flush. Nisey? I had never expected him to want to take me on a date. "Wow, I uh-" I was stuttering. 

Dawn laughed. "I'll miss you Brea. I wish you'd warned us earlier so we could throw you a going away party. And sheesh, just go on a date with poor Nisey, he's practically in love with you." Dawn picked up her tray and walked away. 

I turned back to Nisey, who was playing with his apron still, his gaze at the floor. "Yeah, let's go on a date." 

"Great!" A smile lit up his usual blank expression and he grabbed my hand, kissing it. "Tonight will be the best date you've ever had." He let go of my hand and nearly danced to his table. 

My face was hot, still red with embarrassment, shock, and flattery. I never thought Nisey even found me remotely interesting. I swear, I'd worked here with him for over a year and the entire time- I was the only one who ever made an effort to say anything. He only ever said hi when I said something and he only ever talked if I engaged him in conversation. And how did Dawn know? I shook my head. I couldn't get too excited. I was "leaving for seven months."

I walked to the office and stood outside the door, my hand hovering over the knob for like three years. 

Finally mustering up the courage to confront my boss, I swung the door open and immediately launched into what I had rehearsed a million times this morning. "Hello sir I am coming to give you my two weeks notice. But I can't come in after today because I have to attend a family funeral and take care of all of the procedures and the house. I will be leaving the country tomorrow and plan on coming back in seven months. I am sorry for such short notice, but I can't control a death." I almost gasped for breath after finishing. 

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