Let Me Be Your Shield

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Dagurs' POV:

I had been talking with Alvin and the Outcasts. I made myself CLEAR they are not to go near Hiccupa and they are not to be alone with Hiccupa. My armada was far stronger than any Outcast stronghold and I know Alvin would be a fool attempting anything on my turf.

I wanted to go check on my beloved she was so upset and shaken up that morning from her encounter with Alvin. I approached her quarters and asked the guards if Hiccupa was about they said yes she had returned an hour ago. I entered calling her name being greeted by silence. Concerned I unsheathed one of my daggers and cautiously crept through the rooms seeing them empty till I reached the bed chamber. I peered through the opening and heaved a sigh of relief she was laying on the bed her chest rising and falling in sleep. I walked in gazing at her beauty my fingers stroking lose hairs from her face. I leaned down and kissed her soft lips hearing a gentle hum escape from her throat. I then stood and left her seeing that she is safe.

"Tell me when she wakes up again" I told the guards. I wanted to bring her to the arena and spend time with Shattermaster that could take her mind off her troubles. She was always calmer and more relaxed around the dragons then around most people I had noticed. A trait I found most unusual but each their own I thought. I was going to go train I told one of men to fetch my crossbow I was off for some target practice.

I had finished with a full quiver of arrows when a page came running up to me breathless "Chief your lady is awake" he said.

I smiled "Good go ahead get some mead you've earned it" I told him and watched as he trotted off a skip in his step.

I walked back to my fortress and started up the stairs passing the guards at Hiccupa's chambers who snapped to attention "Chief" they greeted out of respect. I entered and found her sitting in a chair a book in her lap reading she looked up when she saw me and smiled.

"Hi Dagur how are you?" she greeted me closing her book and setting it aside.

"Never better my love. How would you like to see Shattermaster his saddle is ready?" I said grinning from ear to ear.

Her eyes to seemed to sparkle at the suggestion at the suggestion oh that would be wonderful" she said standing up.

I walked forward and took her hand pulling her into an embrace and then pressed my lips to hers. "I love seeing you happy" I told her my fingers stroking her freckled cheek. She blushed at my comment and said "Well you are kind of good at it Dagur what can I say."

I released her reluctantly grabbing her cloak and draped it over her shoulder pulling her long hair aside and clasping it below her chin. "Come then let's get to the arena" I said. We left in a hurry hand in hand giggling and laughing all the way through the halls and across the Berserk. Villagers stopped to look at us and smile or nod in respect I can't help but notice how pleased my people have been since Hiccupa arrived or maybe it's this feeling of love. I'm not sure.

We reach the arena and I see them Alvin and his Outcasts I had told him he could observe our training to keep the peace and our alliance. Which seemed to appease Alvin not that cared about keeping the old Outcast happy but not wanting to burn my bridges just yet. I felt a tug on my arm Hiccupa had stopped moving I turned around and what I saw made my stomach drop. Hiccupa was frozen to the ground a look of fear and disgust on her face.

"wha..what is he doing here?" I heard her just speak.

I groan realizing this was a terrible idea Hiccupa was overcome with fear and Alvin wasn't helping. Still I could use this to my advantage. I could show Hiccupa I am her protector and champion yet again and our love and bond will only grow the stronger. Right?

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