I'm Damaged But Somehow I've Managed

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I'm Damaged/ But somehow I've managed /This far /But I don't know if I can find my way back home

I'm Damaged/ But somehow I've managed/ For now/ But I don't think I can face this on my own

Assemblage 23, Damaged

After Savage left me I accessed the cell I was in it was enormous must be meant to contain dragons which was confusing why such a large cage just for me? and I was in the back of cell far from the door so picking the lock was not an option. It was dark only light source coming from torches in the hall of the dungeon and it air felt moist and dank. The air was chill as I rubbed my hands against my arms. I then felt the iron collar about my neck it wasn't tight but it wasn't comfortable either. I wondered if I had anyway to pick the lock to remove it but at the same time did I want to risk the wrath of Alvin again? I had never seen him so vicious before and I had the bruises to prove it.

I felt my lip which was swollen and still bleeding and winced it would bruise and I would hate to see what I look like right now. My stomach was in a great deal of pain the corset may have prevented the damage from being worse but I held an arm to my stomach and grimaced as I continued surveying my injuries. I lifted the skirt of my dress to look at my right leg and I could see the bruising starting in the faint light. I decided to try standing so I put my weight on my left leg which had my metal peg leg and pulled myself up grimacing in pain then I moved my right leg and collapsed back to the ground groaning and whimpering in pain. "Bad idea! Bad idea!" I whined.

A growl and a snarl was soon heard on the far side of the cell. I snapped my head up wide eyed. 'You've got to be kidding me' I thought. Movements were heard of heavy thuds on the stone ground, a scraping of claws across the stones, growls and heavy breathing. I felt my heart rate pick up in a panic I was not alone in the cell obviously the bastards had put me injured and unarmed in a cell full of dragons. Not just any dragons but frightened and abused dragons if I had anything to go on from earlier.

A dragon soon moved closer a Monstrous Nightmare enflamed and enraged that a human was in it's cell and it saw me. I could feel my blood pounding in my ears as I panicked what do I do. I forgot all about my injured leg and attempted to stand once more only to fall to my knees and cry out in pain. Meanwhile the raging dragon drew closer it's mouth wide open fangs protruding and eyes in narrowed slits. 

Breathing heavily I started crab walking backwards only to meet a stone wall then I curled in on myself.  I stayed in my prone curled up position, ducked my head, and reached my shaky hand out while I trembled in fear. All I could think in that moment was I would never see Dagur and Heather or Toothless oh my poor Toothless who was like a brother to me how would he manage with no one to help him fly?

I waited expecting imminent death when the most surprising thing happened I heard another roar echo in the cavernous cell of the Whispering Death. I felt a snout to my palm and looked up and saw the Whispering Death. Then it turned around and roared at the Monstrous Nightmare causing it to back down and to extinguish it's flames and assume a submissive pose as did other dragons in the cavern now that I could see clearer since the Nightmare caused a fire. There were several other dragons in the cell the Whispering Death must be some sort of matriarch of the dragons to bother protecting me.

A gronckle came forward and nudged my palm and then caressed it's face into my palm with it's eyes closed. Then it came closer to me sniffing at my injuries and made sympathetic coo's it was then I noticed the gronckle was blind in it's left eye and scarred across it's body. I felt myself start to relax when I realized the dragons weren't going to kill me right away and sympathetic that Alvin and the Outcasts had been abusing dragons. The Monstrous Nightmare came forward sniffing at my hand for several minutes till it too gave me its trust and nuzzled my palm. It then sniffed out my injuries and lay its head on my leg I could feel his body warm up and then I let out a moan when I realized he was applying heat to my injury to help with the pain.

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