Kissing The Enemy

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Hiccupa/Dagur POV: (This might be confusing I am going to flip-flip between 2 points of views)

It was another evening, all in all a nearly two weeks since I had left Berk. Why I left Berk? the details were fuzzy I only know I am here with my friend Dagur. Also, it has been several days since I had been attacked.I have an even greater distrust of the Berserker warriors now after the incident. I am healing and in less pain but mentally I am a wreck and anxious about being left alone not that I am. Dagur insisted that if he was not near me I had to have at least two women near me at all times. He had found the warrior women of Berserk to stand guard at my door and escort me when I became better for when I would visit the gronckle. Thankfully it was usually Heather who I could talk to I was growing accustomed to Ingrid and the others just a means to an end.

I missed my solitude, my privacy, my independence, my home, my friends, my father, Ash, and Toothless. I don't know why I left Toothless behind maybe because Berserk wasn't quite dragon friendly yet. Still it would be easier knowing he was with me it's hard sleeping without him in the same room as me. Maybe if Toothless had been here I would not have been attacked.

I heard there was word from Berk and I was looking forward to meeting with Dagur this evening. Dagur has been a man of his word and being respectful since we are friends now I have been giving him hugs and nothing more. I'm forgetting why I had a distrust of Dagur.  I have been spending more time with him and yet there are times when I feel stronger feelings for him but I try to fight them for Ash. I'm finding it hard though with Ash so far away.

Tonight will begin Hiccupa not to trust Ash or her father as much any more I have been subtly hinting for awhile now. It is important I start as soon as possible when she told me she was engaged I had to hold back after all I remember it is easier to break an engagement than a marriage. The potion is working she is more affectionate I can see a certain look in her eye. The attack she went through was a terrible thing and I wish she never had to endure it however it has been to my advantage. She trusts me even more.

I have a letter from Chief Stoick of Berk and another which I had my forger create just for this purpose. Even if they stop my plans what will they do if she distrusts them and she loves me now I wonder smiling.

It is evening and I had made special preparations for tonight flowers were brought in, a tablecloth, and the good serving pieces were put out. The food were items I learned that Hiccupa enjoyed since she has been here. I stir the potion so it is ready for her two weeks down two more to go I think to myself. This will only make her more susceptible to my plans.

The door opens and in she comes escorted by my sister who discreetly makes herself scarce. I look at her and sigh she really is beautiful and will soon be mine.

"Good evening Hiccupa" I tell her offering my arm which she accepts now with a glimmer in her eye.

"Good evening Dagur" I tell him taking his arm.

He leads me to the table and I notice the flowers and special touches he helps me into a chair offering me a glass which I've grown accustomed to I automatically drink it. I feel myself become lucid as usual. Then we start to eat I have little appetite and pick at my food till we are finished. Then we gather around the fire which we do most every night.

"Hiccupa I have something to show you. You may or may not like it" Dagur told me removing the letter from his armor and then handing it to me "It might be easier if you simply read this though.

Dear Hiccupa

I have come to the decision that I must do what is best for Berk and my people. Forming a strong alliance with the Berserker's at this time would be a strong move to help protect not only Berk but also yourself. After all I won't always be here to protect you. The best way for this alliance to be formed is through your marriage to Chief Dagur the Deranged. He will take good care of you and as a result you can use your talents and knowledge to aid Berk. Your cousin Snotlout will step up as the rightful heir of Berk.

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