(4) Everything is Gonna be Okay

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Getting to take a day off with Kat is probably my favorite part of the month. Just being able to get away from everything else and do something fun! Today, we were going to the beach. "Kathryn, are we there yet?" I whined, making her chuckle. "Yeah, Ethan. We're here. Just give me a second to pay for admission."

We drive up to a window, and Kathryn started chatting with the lady working there as I tried to get a good view of the ocean. "Kaaaaaaat, hurry uuuuuup!" I whined. "Fine, fine. Have a good day!" Kathryn smiled, waving to the lady as we proceeded to drive into the parking lot.

"Finally, we're here!" I said, jumping out of the car as it had barely slowed to a stop. "Ethan, it's only been thirty minutes..." she sighed, smiling to herself. "Thirty minutes is thirty minutes too many!" I said, grabbing a bag that had towels and a book.

"Let's hit the beach!" We ran to the boardwalk, both enthusiastic to get in the water. We set our bags down and quickly helped each other with sunscreen, before racing each other down to the water.

We both jumped in, reguardless of how freezing it was, and started having a full-out splash war. "Take this, bitch!" I yelled, splashing her. She squeaked. "Asshole! I'll show you!" she giggled, and pushed me under the water.

It was okay for about two seconds, before a huge wave hit us. Kat was okay, and just dove under it, but it hit right as I came up for air. It shoved me right back under before I could get a breath, and I felt the air get choked from my lungs. I screamed as the wave threw me around, and smacked me against the ocean floor.

My ankle hit a seashell, and I felt a stinging sensation as the saltwater seeped into the cut. And then, I started to choke. Is this what drowining feels like?

...Is this how Tyler felt?

Just as I thought that, the wave spat me out, and I gasped for air. I falt Kat run up next to me, and frantically grab my face. "Ethan?! Are you okay?!" she yelled. My ears were ringing, and I dizzily nodded. She sighed in relief, and helped me up. I blinked, in total shock.

"I'm sorry, Ethan... Jeez, I'm so sorry..." she said, and I just weakly laughed, which turned into a cough. My throat was raspy from all the salt water I'd swallowed.

"It's fine, Kat. Totally not your fault! We were playing a game, and you didn't mean to hurt me." We both smiled in understanding, and sat down on our respective chairs. Kat opened a book, but I just stared at the ocean.

Suddenly, Tyler was there, standing by the water. Smiling. Staring directly at me.

I felt a knot in my stomach, and blinked several times. He's not going away... But he can't be real... Can he? I frowned. No... I'm delusional. He's dead. God, I wish I could get my mind off of him! It's been years, for God's sake!

I sighed to myself, and realized that I would probably never get over it. But even so, hallucinations aren't healthy, like, at all. Thankfully, after a lot more blinking, the image faded. "I'm gonna have to see Chloe first thing when I get back..." I groaned, making Kat look up from her book.

"Why? Are you having weird dreans or visions again?" she asked sympathetically, and I nodded. "I just don't understand... why am I having such a hard time coping with this compared to you guys?!" I pouted. "Well... You were soulmates. Losing a soulmate is like losing another half... Besides, you actually watched him die..."

Thankfully, we both stopped talking at that. I have a feeling that conversation might have ended in tears if we hadn't.

I really do wonder...

Why was I Tyler's soulmate? Why did fate match me with someone who was destined to die right as I decided to figure out I loved him? Why did it have to be Tyler? Why did it have to be me? There has to be a reason that I was doomed to such a terrible fate... Right?

I sighed. Or maybe that's just the thing. What if there really is no purpose? The world killed off Tyler, and left me with no reason to go on. Is that the intention? Am I really not meant to go on? I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

We were soulmates. We were meant to meet, and fall in love, and for him to die without ever knowing I loved him. All of that was meant to happen. I had to have been paired with him for a reason...

But what?

I snapped out of my thoughts, when Kathryn tapped my shoulder. "Ethan? Helloooo? You okay?" she asked, sounding concerned. "O-oh. Yeah, I'm fine! Sorry, I just kinda... Zoned out." I smiled weakly.

She looked unconvinced, but figured she'd better not push it. "Don't you dare think of hurting yourself, Nestor! Don't you know what that would do to the rest of us?" I froze, tears spilling down my cheeks. "Kathryn... I won't. I promise." I said, and started bawling right then and there. She smiled weakly, and leaned over to hug me.

"It's okay, Ethan. Everything is going to be okay..."

Sorry for the short chapter and the long absence! I went on a trip to Wildwood, and didn't have any internet ;u; I wanted to upload as soon as possible, but it's late, so this is all I've got. :P So sorry, and I promise you'll get a better chapter tomorrow!
SINcerely, Tokki~Kun!

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