(11) My Shot!

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okay so maybe I'm just really tired, but I think giving Kathryn a turn to tell a chapter would be okay. I know I haven't introduced her soulmate yet (well, I have, but so far nobody's picked up on it) (No it's not Ethan he doesn't have a soulmate), but STILL!! I think Kat is cool and deserves a chapter at LEAST, so without further ado, here's Kathryn's chapter!
SINcerely, Tokki~Kun!

Thank God, it's finally my turn! I thought this day would never fucking come! Stupid author, maing me wait until the second book... Well, enough breaking the fourth wall, let's cut to the chase!

Pinky and I were waiting outside while those two did their thing (we had to turn the TV up really loud), when I felt my phone go off in my back pocket. Ethan graciously paused the show for me. "I'll only take a minute," I promised before stepping outside. The caller ID said Amy was calling! Hooray for Amy!

I answered her quickly, putting my hand over the phone. "Hey, Kit Kat! What's new?" She said jokingly, and I could practically see her smile through the phone. "Uhh... Mark and Sean are engaged? That's it, really." I said as calmly as possible. "REALLY?! OH MY GOD, TOOK THEM LONG ENOUGH!" She screamed right before I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Jesus, Am, take it town about ten notches!" I hissed, followed by a laugh from both of us. "Oh! And remember that reincarnation thing I was telling you about?" "Yeah, what about it?" "I think Ethan found Tyler's." There was a brief silence after that, which is an extreme rarity with Amy and I.

"Are you fucking with me?" I groaned. "No, Am! The flowers are gone, and they were there when we went to the beach, so what other explanation do you have?!" "Uhh... They washed off?" "They don't work like that! Don't you believe me?!" She sighed. "Of course I do, Kat! But isn't it weird that they somehow happened to be in the same place at the same time, out of anyone in the world?!"

"Of coure it's weird, but then again, so is the concept of whatever is on your skin appearing on someone else's, that you're going to somehow meet some day!" I said in a monotone response. Amy and I have little fights like this all the time, but somehow, I usually almost always end up winning, even if she's right.

"Touche. Fine, you win... Tell him I'm happy for him, but when are you coming back? I wanna see you again... I'm so bored with no one to cuddle!" She whined. "Of course, only... Six more days. Am, I haven't even been gone twenty four hours yet." I groaned.

I felt Pinky banging on the door. "Kaaaaat, can we get back to TV?" he whined. Amy laughed. "I think you should get back to Prince Bubblegum. I'll start editing the vlog Mark just sent m-- OH MY GOD IT'S THE ENGAGEMENT ONE!!!" She squealed. "I'll leave you to it." I rolled my eyes and hung up. (I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU START A HAMILTON LYRIC CHAIN YOU LITTLE FUCKS--)

"Chill, Ethan, I'm coming." I said, opening the door. His shirt was on the cushion next to him, and he was staring blankly at his own chest. "I still can't believe it... That adorable little girl..." he was smiling to himself. "Even if I don't have a soulmate anymore, I'm going to make sure that I have someone to protect."

I smiled at his confidence, and took my seat next to him. "Alright Shakespeare, let's get back to the show now please." I joked, poking his chest. "Fine."

---I was trying to find a better nickname for Ethan, and since we usually call him blueberry but he's pink now, I thought, "Oh, Pinkberry!" But then I realized that was a BMC ship name so yeah he's just Pinky---

"Mornin, Kit Kat and Pinky!" Mark said cheerfully, poking his head out of his and Sean's bedroom. "Mark, it's fuckin' eleven. Go back to bed!" Ethan yawned. Mark shook his head in response. "Nope, sorry. I already ordered breakfast from room service!" I gasped. "They serve breakfast this early?! Fuck, you shoulda ordered me some!"

There was playful arguing between Mark and I (Ethan refused to pause the TV), until room service came knocking on the door. "Coming!" Mark and I yelled simultaneously, and raced each other to the door, which he won by a mile.

When we answered the door, the lady smiled. "Hello, I have a large egg breakfast sandwich and a coffee for Mark?" I was turning to walk back to the couch, but the TV was finally paused and Ethan was staring at the lady in the doorway with awe. "Ethan, wha--" "Colleen?!"

The woman stopped and looked up at Ethan. A smile spread across her face. "Oh, Ethan! Hello!" She said in a brief moment of confusion. "This is trippy..." I exhaled, and the room fell silent. "So... Colleen, wanna come in a second? It's late so I'm sure you don't have much work to accomplish at this hour anyway."

She seemed taken aback by his request. "I-I'm not allowed to be in occoupied rooms..." I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Jesus, you sound like a robot! We'll just leave the door open, and if anybody asks, we asked you to clean up a mess." I shrugged. She nodded, and took a seat next to Ethan on the sofa.

"So, actually, we need to talk to you. It's about Prince Bubblegum over here." I said, gesturing to Ethan. She only nodded.

---Time skip brought to you by me forgetting Mark's name and calling him Felix the whole chapter before I edited it---

"I'm not quite sure how to take this... So my daughter is your Tyler, but... reborn?" She said skeptically, giving Ethan a crazy look. He just gulped, and slowly nodded. "Yep. Pretty much." She nodded. "Yeah? Wow... That's..." She sighed. "What does that mean? Huh? Am I supposed to forget this and move on? Am I supposed to give her to you, or what? Why did you tell me all this?!"

I bit my lip. She looked ticked off, to say the least. "Nonononono! That's not--look, uh, we just wanted to... Uh, tell you? Listen..." Ethan exhaled slowly. "I don't have anybody I need to take care of anymore. I fucked up. I just wanted to tell you so that... You'd let me help. I don't want to let Tyler down twice."

Colleen looked hesitant. "Ethan... she's not your Tyler." He calmly groaned. "Listen. Fate didn't make me Tyler's soulmate just so I could watch him die once and have it all be over. I'm supposed to help protect your Tyler. They're not the same person, I know that. But I found her for a reason."

She seemed to be taken aback by his confidence, which seemingly came from nowhwere. Ater all, just a second ago he was a stuttering mess... She laughed a bit. "Actually... I wouldn't mind some help." She said quietly.

He smiled. "Wait... really?!" She nodded. "Yes. My husband... he died a few days after I got pregnant with Ty. Being a single mom is frustrating... I could use some help. And actually... Thanks. I never knew what these were for." She pulled up her shirt, and Mark, Sean and Ethan all gasped, making me jump (I had forgotten Mark and Sean were in the room).

Her chest was covered in flowers.

Sorry this took four fucking days. School is Hell... bUT WE NAVIGATE IT WELL, IT'S JUST WHAT WE DOOOOOO (sorry) Anyway I won't be uploading as much... So yeah. Bye!
SINcerely, a very tired author

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